Please read my article "Jihad and War on Terrorism"
Hundreds of books and articles have been written by the scholars, academicians, media men and experts of Islam on Jihad, assuming Jihad to be merely a theological concept. However, Jihad is an ideology like the war on terrorism that hides; it has anything to do with Muslims and globalization of the free market under American dominance.
Historically, Jihad and Islamic empire were made for each other; the doctrine of Jihad took birth as a structural necessity for emerging Muslim community in Medina and the empire it brought into existence was its "butterfly effect." Jihad is to Islam what war is to imperialism. Like the war on terrorism, Jihadi demonology has been used to loot, plunder and conquer countries.
Islam presided over the transition of a city into a state that lacked resources for such a transition. Mohammad made this possible through Jihad, looting of the wealth of cities and empires in decadence or crisis. Otherwise, Mohammad had no solution to the problems of nomadic and pastoral existence Arabs were pursuing. With this ideology, Islamic holy warriors conquered vast empires without much resistance as Americans got an easy victory in Iraq.
It is Jihad (and Islamic fiscal regime) alone that is peculiar to Islam; and that have not been borrowed from Judaism and Christianity. Quran said to be a great miracle could only convert less than 100 followers in 13 years in Mecca. It was when Mohammad used his sword and booty to spread the word of God that Islam could establish as a world religion. Except sheer rhetoric and empty sermons, Mohammad had nothing to offer to Meccan's who could not renounce pagan customs and rituals as it had become the basis of their economy as Kabah the idol temple of tribal deities was also a marketplace and a trade center.
Like the war on terrorism, Jihad is based on the principle that the end justifies the means. It gives moral justification for the destruction of the envied other, and looting and plundering its resources. This was the ideology that turned traditional tribal raid gzawa into a global war, and its success reflected the decadence of the ancient world order, not the strength of Islam.
The epistemological basis of jihad is that there can be no peace unless and until hakimiyyat of Allah (sovereignty of Allah) is established on the earth. Same is true for war on terrorism; world leadership belongs to America and there can be no peace in the world unless American supremacy is established over the entire world. Its eschatological assumption is that God is on the side of Muslims (UNO has been always with America, which claims to promote freedom and democracy) and all the acts of infidels are stannic. Those who fight for the cause of God will get amply rewarded right in this life and those who fall on the battlefield will go into paradise. Same is true for UNO sponsored wars; the nations that participate in these wars are being rewarded.
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iPerintis - eGroup untuk Saintis dan Jurutera Muslim
Recommended sites:
Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia : http://www.abim.org.my
Ikram Malaysia : http://www.ikram.org.my
Palestinkini Info : http://www.palestinkini.info
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera : http://pk-sejahtera.org
Fiqh Siber : http://al-ahkam.net/
The Muslim Brotherhood : http://ikhwanweb.com
Hidayahnet website : http://hidayahnet.multiply.com/
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