31 March 2014

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ALLAH, THE EXALTED, COMMANDS ENDURANCE [صبر]


As'salaamu Alaikum,


[ALLAH'S Quran – 3:200 – Pickthall] "O ye who believe! Endure, outdo all others in endurance, be ready, and observe your duty to Allah, in order that ye may succeed."

The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) has said :

[Muslim, Book #007, Hadith #3181] "Yuhannis, the freed slave of Zubair, narrated that when he was sitting with Abdullah b. 'Umar (Allah be pleased with him) during the days of turmoil, his freed slave-girl came to him. After saluting him she said: Abu Abd al-Rahmin, I have decided to leave (Medina) for the time is hard for us, whereupon Abdullah said to her: Stay here, foolish lady, for I have heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: For one who shows endurance on the hardships and rigour of it (of Medina) I would be an intercessor or a witness on his behalf on the Day of Resurrection."

Allah Hafiz.



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**Boycott Israel**Support Palestine**

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iPerintis - eGroup untuk Saintis dan Jurutera Muslim 

Recommended sites:
Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia  : http://www.abim.org.my
Ikram Malaysia                 : http://www.ikram.org.my
Palestinkini Info              : http://www.palestinkini.info
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera      : http://pk-sejahtera.org
Fiqh Siber                     : http://al-ahkam.net/
The Muslim Brotherhood         : http://ikhwanweb.com
Hidayahnet website             : http://hidayahnet.multiply.com/ 


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Ustaz Shafi Kurma Madu Air


Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Saudara-saudara ku yang dikasihi dirahmati Allah
Jom sama-sama dengarkan ceramah Ustaz Shafi yang banyak memberikan tip-tip untuk kesihatan dan kesembuhan yang alami dari Allah SWT moga manfaat untuk kita semua dan bertambah keimanan kita pada Allah SWT inshaAllah aamiin Allahumma aamiin.
Ustaz Shafi Kurma Madu Air

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**Boycott Israel**Support Palestine**

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iPerintis - eGroup untuk Saintis dan Jurutera Muslim 

Recommended sites:
Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia  : http://www.abim.org.my
Ikram Malaysia                 : http://www.ikram.org.my
Palestinkini Info              : http://www.palestinkini.info
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera      : http://pk-sejahtera.org
Fiqh Siber                     : http://al-ahkam.net/
The Muslim Brotherhood         : http://ikhwanweb.com
Hidayahnet website             : http://hidayahnet.multiply.com/ 


Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Zina : Dihantui dosa silam


Assalamualaikum Saudara Naim, bolehkah saya tahu adakah ini kisah benar atau hanya sebuah cerpen? Jika kisah ini kisah benar, tiada pihak kah yang membantu atau memberi nasihat kepada mereka. Saya berasa bertanggung jawab dengan apa yang saya baca. Saya tidak mahu sekadar membaca dan berlepas tangan.

On Tuesday, 18 March 2014, 21:49, Naim Qlate <mohd_naim82@yahoo.com> wrote:

Zina : Dihantui dosa silam

Post under Agama, Badal Haji, Badal Umrah, Upah Haji, Upah Umrah di Rabu, Mac 12, 2014 Dicatat oleh Naim Qlate

SARINA masih memikirkan apa yang patut dilakukan selepas ini. Setelah selesai mendaftarkan persekolahan anak kedua dan ketiganya itu, dia termenung panjang. Sampai bila dia harus begini? Nasibnya ibarat sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga. Tambah merunsingkan, bagaimana suatu hari nanti, bila anak-anaknya bertanya, apa status diri mereka terutama dua orang anak perempuannya itu?

Panjang lamunan Sarina. Dia tahu, dia telah melakukan kesilapan yang amat besar dalam hidupnya. Untuk berpatah balik, mampukah dia melakukannya? Hingga kini, dia masih bergantung hidup dengan Sazali sejak 15 tahun yang lalu. Dia buntu. Fikirannya dibelenggu rasa resah akibat kesilapan yang diciptanya sendiri.

Dia tidak mahu menyalahkan suaminya yang meninggalkannya tanpa khabar berita. Dia digantung tidak bertali. Kehilangan suaminya sejak keluar dari rumah sehingga kini, membuatkan Salina hilang arah. Mujur Sazali, pekerja kontrak yang berjiran dengannya sedia membantu.

Sehingga akhirnya Sazali berpindah rumah. Duduk sebumbung dan tidur sebantal tanpa ikatan yang sah. Anak-anaknya juga memanggilnya ayah kerana lelaki itulah yang mengambil berat perihal keperluan anak-anak tersebut sejak ditinggalkan oleh si ayah yang sebenar.

Anak sulungnya, Ikmal mati-matian percaya Sazali itulah ayahnya. Ikmal ditinggalkan ketika usianya setahun. Dalam tempoh itulah Sarina menanggung derita. Sazali muncul dalam hidup Sarina setelah kasihan melihat Sarina dan anak-anaknya sering keputusan makanan. Dan sejak hari itu, Sazalilah tempat Sarina mencurah resah di hati.

Namun Sarina dan Sazali juga manusia biasa. Daripada perhubungan yang tercetus hasil perasaan simpati, kini lagak mereka ibarat suami isteri. Kini termasuk Ikmal, anak yang sah daripada suami Sarina yang sah, Ikmal mempunyai empat lagi 'adik-adiknya' atas hubungan terlarang ibunya - dua lelaki dan dua perempuan. Bagi Ikmal itulah adik-beradiknya tanpa dia mengetahui cerita di sebalik itu.

Tapi entah kenapa, pagi itu Sarina merasakan terlalu banyak dosa yang telah dia lakukan.

Dia mahu bertaubat. Dia tidak mahu lagi hidup bergelumang dosa. Dia tahu, dia telah mengkhianati ikatan perkahwinannya yang sah bersama suaminya sekalipun suaminya itu menghilangkan diri tanpa berita.

Sarina tahu, dia masih berstatus isteri orang. Dia tidak pernah meminta fasakh di mahkamah syariah. Kerana itu jugalah, anak-anak luar nikahnya berbin dan berbintikan suaminya yang sah.

Hati Sarina benar-benar runsing. Ada kala Sarina merasakan belum bersedia untuk berpisah dengan Sazali kerana di situlah punca pendapatannya. Tetapi dalam masa yang sama Sarina diburu rasa kesal dek dosa-dosa yang dilakukan selama ini.

Jalan mana yang harus aku pilih," keluh Sarina dalam diam. Tanpa disedari air matanya gugur satu persatu.

Ya Allah, terampunkah segala dosa-dosaku," soalan yang terpacul dari lubuk hati Sarina.



Haji diwajibkan ke atas manusia sekali seumur hidup jika mampu. Allah berfirman dalam surah Al-Baqarah : 196 yang bermaksud :

وَأَتِمُّواْ ٱلۡحَجَّ وَٱلۡعُمۡرَةَ لِلَّهِ

"Dan sempurnakanlah ibadah haji dan umrah kerana Allah"


Seorang wanita bertanya Nabi saw tentang ayahnya yang meninggal dunia dalam keadaan belum mengerjakan Haji. Nabi S.A.W berkata kepada wanita tersebut,

"Tunaikanlah Haji bagi pihak ayahmu". (Hadis riwayat An-Nasaie).

Syarat Orang Yang Mengerjakan Upah Haji

Orang yang melaksanakan haji badal / upah haji disyaratkan sudah melaksanakan haji untuk dirinya baik mampu atau tidak.


Hal ini berdasarkan hadis riwayat Ibnu Abbas r.a., Bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W. mendengar seorang laki-laki berkata, "Aku penuhi panggilan-Mu untuk Syabramah." Rasulullah saw. bertanya, "Apakah engkau telah melaksanakan haji untuk dirimu?" Ia menjawab, "Belum." Beliau bersabda, "Hajilah untuk dirimu kemudian laksanakan haji untuk Syabramah."

Perkhidmatan Badal Haji (Upah Haji) yang ditawarkan :

RM 1400
1.     Perlaksanaan
Haji, Umrah, Tahlil Arwah
2.     Sijil Bukti Perlaksanaan
3.     Hadiah Iringan
Sejadah, Tasbih, Minyak Attar dan 500ml Air Zam-Zam
RM 2000
1.     Perlaksanaan
Haji, Umrah, Tahlil Arwah, Wakaf & Khatam Al-Quran
2.     Sijil Bukti Perlaksanaan
3.     Hadiah Iringan
Senaskah Al-Quran, Sejadah, Tasbih, Minyak Attar dan 500ml Air Zam-Zam
RM 2450
1.     Perlaksanaan
Haji, Umrah, Tahlil Arwah, Wakaf & Khatam Al-Quran dan Ibadat Qorban
2.     Sijil Bukti Perlaksanaan
3.     Hadiah Iringan
Senaskah Al-Quran, Sejadah, Tasbih, Minyak Attar dan 500ml Air Zam-Zam
RM 1900
1.     Perlaksanaan
Haji, Umrah
2.     Sijil Bukti Perlaksanaan
3.     Hadiah Iringan
Sejadah, Tasbih, Minyak Attar dan 500ml Air Zam-Zam

Perkhidmatan Badal Umrah (Upah Umrah) yang ditawarkan :

Klik disini Borang Upah Umrah Online

Upah Umrah
RM 300
1.     Perlaksanaan
Umrah, Tahlil Arwah
2.     Sijil Bukti Perlaksanaan
3.     Hadiah Iringan
Tasbih, 500ml Air Zam-Zam
Upah Umrah Ramadhan
RM 400
1.      Perlaksanaan
Umrah, Tahlil Arwah
2.     Sijil Bukti Perlaksanaan
3.     Hadiah Iringan
Tasbih, 500ml Air Zam-Zam

*Nota : Hadiah mungkin ditukar kepada barangan lain yang difikirkan sesuai.

Bayaran Upah Haji termasuk perkara berikut :

  • Sewa khemah wukuf di Arafah
  • Sewa khemah melontar di Mina
  • Tambang dari Mekah ke Arafah, Arafah ke Mina dan Mina ke Mekah
  • Belanja makan bagi orang yang melaksanakan haji dan umrah
  • Upah tawaf dan saie' haji
  • Upah tawaf dan saie' umrah
  • Belanja urusan di tanah air, urusan penghantaran wang dan urusan penghantaran sijil

Untuk keterangan dan maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi :

Mohammad Nakhaie
No. 41, Jalan Siantan 3, Taman Seri Paroi
70400 Seremban. Negeri Sembilan
No. HP   : +6013-212 7799
Faks      : +606-762 0817
Website :
Weblog  :
http://badalhaji1.blogspot.com/ dan http://badalhaji2u.blogspot.com/
Email     : raudhah.umrahajj@gmail.com

()"" ' ) Naim Qlate : http://www.naimqlate.blogspot.com
( ,'o' )")

Hari ini adalah PEMBERIAN, manfaatkanlah sebaik-baiknya kerana semulia-mulia hamba ialah yg paling tinggi TAQWAnya. Semalam adalah SEJARAH maka beristighfarlah utknya dan bersyukur atas kurniaan HIDAYAH dari-NYA kerana sebaik-baik ZIKIR adalah ISTIGHFAR dan sebaik2 DOA adalah ALHAMDULILLAH. Esok adalah MISTERI yg pada-NYA terletak angan2 dan sebijak2 manusia ialah yg sentiasa mengingati kematiannya lalu mempersiapkan diri menghadapi kehidupan yg kekal abadi selamanya. Wassalam sahabat group semua, semoga kita semua dibawah rahmat Allah selalu, Amin.

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**Boycott Israel**Support Palestine**

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If your mailbox clogged with mails from Hidayahnet, you may wish to get a daily digest of emails by logging-on to http://www.yahoogroups.com to change your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at hidayahnet-owner@yahoogroups.com with the title "change to daily digest".


iPerintis - eGroup untuk Saintis dan Jurutera Muslim 

Recommended sites:
Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia  : http://www.abim.org.my
Ikram Malaysia                 : http://www.ikram.org.my
Palestinkini Info              : http://www.palestinkini.info
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera      : http://pk-sejahtera.org
Fiqh Siber                     : http://al-ahkam.net/
The Muslim Brotherhood         : http://ikhwanweb.com
Hidayahnet website             : http://hidayahnet.multiply.com/ 


30 March 2014

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] THE GOOD AND THE BAD ARE NOT EQUAL..........


As'salaamu Alaikum,


"Say, `The bad and the good are not alike,'
even though the abundance of bad may please thee.
So be mindful of your duty to ALLAH,
O men of understanding, that you may prosper."


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**Boycott Israel**Support Palestine**

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If your mailbox clogged with mails from Hidayahnet, you may wish to get a daily digest of emails by logging-on to http://www.yahoogroups.com to change your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at hidayahnet-owner@yahoogroups.com with the title "change to daily digest".


iPerintis - eGroup untuk Saintis dan Jurutera Muslim 

Recommended sites:
Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia  : http://www.abim.org.my
Ikram Malaysia                 : http://www.ikram.org.my
Palestinkini Info              : http://www.palestinkini.info
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera      : http://pk-sejahtera.org
Fiqh Siber                     : http://al-ahkam.net/
The Muslim Brotherhood         : http://ikhwanweb.com
Hidayahnet website             : http://hidayahnet.multiply.com/ 


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] File - Reminder from Moderator




1- The moderators will hide email of the senders to hidayahnet. As such, if you wish to include your email (maybe for others to reply to you), please include your email address in the body part of your email.

2- If you wish to promote your business, please only send no more than one mail per week and please combine all promotional emails in one email (rather than sending 3 or 4 emails promoting different products.

3- For those interested to reply to particular business advertisement, please email direct to the sender, and not to the egroup.

4- Be careful before promoting any external islamic links as it could be developed by non-muslim aiming to spread false teaching. If any doubt, please ask the moderator to help.


If your mailbox clogged with mails from Hidayahnet, you may wish to change your membership settings as below:

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As a reminder for those sending our forwarding emails. To avoid those msg becoming junk and go unread, and becoming big in size unnecessarily, I would appreciate if sender put some effort in making it nicer and more attractive to reader. Some suggestions include:

- cut and paste the main message/content, (leaving behind the long thread/list of previous senders). However, pls include the source of message, usually the original sender (the first sender!) name (and if possible email and other details which deem important).

- pls also make sure that the "subject" of the email is not long winded, such as: [other group]fwd[other group]Prayer at the time of war ...etc. Please only put the topic of the msg, and delete the rest (eg, subject = Prayer at the time of war)

- also, usually we forget to remove the unnessary advert by yahoo and content from previous egroup (such as footnote) at the bottom of the email. Kindly remove them as they are irrelevant.

Hopefully the above, can make your email looks tidy and reduces the size significantly, and most importantly, I will have no objection in APPROVING them.

Above is only suggestion, and I welcome any other comments/suggestions.


Hidayahnet Moderator

p/s: We welcome any comments and suggestions to improve the egroup. Kindly send it direct to the moderators.

iPerintis - eGroup untuk Saintis dan Jurutera Muslim

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**Boycott Israel**Support Palestine**

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If your mailbox clogged with mails from Hidayahnet, you may wish to get a daily digest of emails by logging-on to http://www.yahoogroups.com to change your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at hidayahnet-owner@yahoogroups.com with the title "change to daily digest".


iPerintis - eGroup untuk Saintis dan Jurutera Muslim 

Recommended sites:
Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia  : http://www.abim.org.my
Ikram Malaysia                 : http://www.ikram.org.my
Palestinkini Info              : http://www.palestinkini.info
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera      : http://pk-sejahtera.org
Fiqh Siber                     : http://al-ahkam.net/
The Muslim Brotherhood         : http://ikhwanweb.com
Hidayahnet website             : http://hidayahnet.multiply.com/ 


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Wise Sayings From Quran - part 2


Wise Sayings from Quran
Part 2
1) Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.  [Az-Zumar 39-53]

2) Wealth and children are [but] adornment (attraction) of the worldly life. But the enduring (everlasting) good deeds are better to your Lord for reward and better for [one's] hope.
 [Al-Kahf 18:46]

3) Repel [evil] by that [deed] which is better; and thereupon, the one whom between you and him is enmity [will become] as though he was a devoted friend.  [Fussilat 41:34]
4) And peace will be upon he who follows the guidance.   [Ta-Ha 20:47]

5) The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts become fearful, and when His verses are recited to them, it increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they rely. [Al-Anfal 8:2-4]
6)  That you not transgress (deceit) within the balance. And establish weight in justice and do not make deficient the balance.  [Ar-Rahman 55:8-9] (While selling man should weigh things honestly)
7) Whom Allah leaves astray, you will never find for them protectors besides Him, and We will gather them on the Day of Resurrection [fallen] on their faces – blind, dumb and deaf. Their refuge is Hell; every time it subsides We increase them in blazing fire.  [Al-Isra 17:97]

And whoever turns away from My remembrance – indeed, he will have a depressed [i.e., difficult] life, and We will gather [i.e., raise] him on the Day of Resurrection blind." He will say, "My Lord, why have you raised me blind while I was [once] seeing?"  [Allah] will say, "Thus did Our signs come to you, and you forgot [i.e., disregarded] them; and thus will you this Day be forgotten"  [Ta-Ha 20:124-126]

And when it is said to them, "Follow what Allah has revealed," they say, "Rather, we will follow that upon which we found our fathers." Even if Satan was inviting them to the punishment of the Blaze?   [Luqman 31:21]

And Allah invites to the Home of Peace [i.e., Paradise] and guides whom He wills to a straight path.  [Yunus 10:25]

11) They [think to] deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive not except themselves and perceive [it] not. [Al-Baqarah 2:9]
12) O mankind, indeed the promise of Allah is true, So let not the worldly life delude (deceive) you , and let not the chief deceiver [i.e., Satan] deceive you about Allah.
 [Fatir 35:5]
13) Indeed, As-Salat (prayer) has been enjoined upon the believers at specified times.
 [Quran Chapter An-Nisa 4:103]

Indeed, the Day of Judgement is an appointed time (fixed time). [Quran An-Naba 78:17]
Compiled by: Mirza Ehteshamuddin Ahmed- Hyderabadi)

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**Boycott Israel**Support Palestine**

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If your mailbox clogged with mails from Hidayahnet, you may wish to get a daily digest of emails by logging-on to http://www.yahoogroups.com to change your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at hidayahnet-owner@yahoogroups.com with the title "change to daily digest".


iPerintis - eGroup untuk Saintis dan Jurutera Muslim 

Recommended sites:
Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia  : http://www.abim.org.my
Ikram Malaysia                 : http://www.ikram.org.my
Palestinkini Info              : http://www.palestinkini.info
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera      : http://pk-sejahtera.org
Fiqh Siber                     : http://al-ahkam.net/
The Muslim Brotherhood         : http://ikhwanweb.com
Hidayahnet website             : http://hidayahnet.multiply.com/ 
