08 May 2012

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Remedies for minor ailments Part-3


Remedies for minor ailments Part-3
• Combine 1 teaspoon each powdered ginger (adrak), powdered cumin (jeera) and powdered cinnamon (dalchini) with honey and make into a thick paste. Take 1 teaspoon thrice daily.
• Boil 1 teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera) in a glass of water. Add to this 1 teaspoon fresh juice of coriander leaves (dhania) and a pinch of salt. Drink it after every meal for 2-3 days.
• Mash 1 ripe banana along with a pinch of salt and 1 teaspoon tamarind (imli) pulp. Take twice a day.
• Drinking a strong cup of unsweetened black tea is very effective for stopping diarrhea.
• Peel an apple and shred it. Keep the shredded pieces in a plate for approximately 20 minutes until they turn brown in colour, and then eat them.

• Slice the tender unripe bel fruit. Sun dry it and then make a powder. Take 1 teaspoon along with warm water twice a day.
• Every night take 3 cloves of garlic (lahsun), chopped and boiled in milk. Make a paste of 1 green chilli along with 2 tablespoon lime juice and ½ teaspoon camphor (kapoor). Take ¼ teaspoon of this paste.
• 2 or 3 teaspoon coriander seeds (saboot dhania) soaked overnight in water and taken next morning with 1 cup buttermilk.
• Boil ¼ teaspoon powdered cardamom (chhoti illaichi) seeds in thin tea water and drink.
• Mix juice of 15-20 tender curry leaves (curry patta) with 1 teaspoon honey and drink.
• Apply ginger (adrak) juice around the navel.

• Diarrhoea due to indigestion of food

• Insert ¼ teaspoon nutmeg (jaiphal) powder inside a ripe banana and eat it.

Dark Circles

• Take one teaspoon tomato juice, ½ teaspoon lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric (haldi) powder & a little gram flour (besan). Make a paste & apply. Leave for 10 minute & wash off.
• Drink tomato juice with a few mint leaves, little lemon juice & salt.
• Soak cotton wool in cucumber juice (kheera) or potato juice & apply around the eyes. You will find a change in 2-3 weeks.


• Add ¼ teaspoon salt, 3 teaspoon brown sugar or ordinary sugar and 2 teaspoon lime juice to 1 cup of water, mix and drink.

• Dehydration due to diarrhea:

• Soak half a nutmeg (jaiphal) in 2 cups water for over 2-3 hours. Take 1 teaspoon of this infusion and mix in 1 cup fresh coconut water. Drink twice or thrice a day.
• Rub a nutmeg (jaiphal) against a smooth stone slab with a little water and make a paste. Apply on affected parts.
• Add 1 teaspoon camphor (kapoor) to 1 teaspoon sandalwood paste and apply on the affected areas.
• Make a paste of turmeric (haldi) and neem leaves (the ratio should be 1:1) in a little gingelly oil (til ka tel) and apply on affected areas.

Ear Ache
• Heat 2 teaspoon mustard oil. Add ½ teaspoon carom seeds (ajwain) and one or two flakes of crushed garlic (lahsun). Boil till they turn red and then filter. Use as ear drops.
• Boil well 1 teaspoon lahsun (garlic) in 2 tablespoon gingelly oil (til ka tel). Cool and filter. Use as ear drops (2 to 3 drops).
• Mix a few drops of lime juice in 1 teaspoon lukewarm water. Put 4 drops of this into the ear.
• Use neem leaf juice as ear drops.


• Soak 3 tablespoon carom (ajwain) seeds in an adequate quantity of lime juice and dry in the shade. When fully dried, powder with a little black salt. Take 1 teaspoon of this mixture twice daily for a few days with a little warm water.

Feet Cracks

• Mix equal quantities of glycerin and lemon juice. Apply every night before going to bed. This mixture can be made and stored in a glass bottle.
• Massage your feet with castor oil every night (in winters) for 2-3 minutes and then wear socks at night.
• Grind equal amounts of neem leaves & turmeric (haldi). Apply on affected area.
• Finely grind a handful of henna (mehendi) leaves. Add 2 tablespoon lemon juice and apply on the feet.
• Mix the juice of bottle gourd (lauki) and sesame oil (til ka tel) in the ratio 4:1 and heat till all the moisture has evaporated. Bottle and use over cracked skin.

Smelly Feet

• Soak feet in strong tea for 20 minutes every day until the smell disappears. To prepare your footbath, brew two tea bags in 500 ml (2½ cups) of water for 15 minutes and pour the tea into a basin containing two litres of cool water.

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Recommended sites:
Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia  : http://www.abim.org.my
Ikram Malaysia                 : http://www.ikram.org.my
Palestinkini Info              : http://www.palestinkini.info
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera      : http://pk-sejahtera.org
Fiqh Siber                     : http://al-ahkam.net/
The Muslim Brotherhood         : http://ikhwanweb.com
Hidayahnet website             : http://hidayahnet.multiply.com/ 


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