19 December 2011

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Syed Qutb Disavowed His Earlier Writings


Bismillaah, wal-hamdulilaah, was-salaatu was-salaamu 'alaa rasoolillaah,
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu

Syed Qutb said;
إن إصبع السبابة الذي يشهد لله بالوحدانية في الصلاة ليرفض أن يكتب حرفا يقر به حكم طاغية
"Indeed this finger which testifies the Oneness of Allah in salah [prayer], it refuses to agree on anything – in support – of this oppressive regime."

(Note:The oppressive regime of Egypt established rule other than the law of Allah and syed Qutb wanted to establish laws of Allah in the land])

Syed Qutb said: "Indeed our words will remain lifeless, until we die in pursuit of those words, then those same words will be brought to life and live amongst the people, inspiring them and bringing their hearts to life."
To know Who was Syed Qutb? read here

The Dream of Zainab al Ghazali after Syed Qutb's execution
On the day of ash-Shaheed Sayyid Qutb's execution, Zainab al-Ghazali saw Sayyid Qutb in a dream; he told her, 'Know that I was not with them, I was in Madina in the company of the Prophet '.
The following day Zainab had another dream, 'I dozed (fell asleep) after Fajr prayer while reading the supplication of the concluding prayer, and heard a voice saying, 'Sayyid is in the highest (Jannat) Firdous (highest part of Paradise)'.
I woke and related the same to Hamidah who cried, saying 'I am sure of Allah's favour on us and that, God willing, Sayyid in the highest Firdous…these visions are consolation, a strengthening from Allah, the Exalted, the High'.

 Syed Qutb Disavowed His Earlier Writings

 The discussion about Musa (عليه السلام) was in his al-Taswir al-Fanni Fi al-Qur'an, a book that he wrote when he was still primarily interested in literature, and he wrote this work from that perspective. Remember, that before becoming an Islamist, he was a nationalist. When he wrote this work, he had not yet entered his Islamist stage. Before his death, he only advised that certain of his books be read, while disavowing his earlier writings, amongst them al-Taswir al-Fanni.

Yes it is true that Sayyid Qutb (Rh) has clearly spoken about Wahdat al-Wujood, but not in the way that they would make you believe. Infact Sayyid (Rh) clearly addresses the issue of Wahdat al-
Wujood and his belief regards to it in the following: -

"The Islamic view draws a distinct line between Creator and creation. The Creator is unique and matchless, which leaves no room in Islamic thought for the idea of "Al-Wahdat al-Wujood" or pantheism. Non-Muslim philosophy relies on the idea to indicate that creation and the Creator are one and the same; that creation is a mere reflection of the Creator and the physical manifestation of its Maker......." [Fi Dhilal al Quran - Volume 1, Page 122 Eng Trans]

And if no-one believes me that Sayyid (Rh) said this then they can view his statement by going to the following link: - Fi Dhilal al Quran - Syed Qutb - Volume 1 (Surah 1-2) and scrolling to page 122 on the scanned document itself.

"Chancellor Abdullah al-'Aqil said in "al-Mujtama'a" journal (number 112, date: 1972/8/8):
"Verily Sayyid had sent letters to his brothers in Egypt and to the arab countries that they should not rely on his books except these seven books: "Hadha ad-Din" (This is the religion), "al-Mustaqbal li hadhad-Din" (The future of this religion), "al-Islam wal-Mushkilat al-Hadhara" (Islam and cultural/social problems), "Khasais al-Tasawwar al-Islami" (The characteristics of Islamic conduct), "Fi Thilal al-Quran" and "Ma'alim at-Tariq" (milestones)."
The answer of Ustadh Muhammad Qutb to a mail in this regard as stated below:
"Respected brother Abd ar-Rahman bin Muhammad al-Harfi, May Allah preserve you! Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
You asked me abot the book "al-'Adala al-Ijtima'iyya" (Social Justice). I should inform you that it was the first book he authored when he was previously deeply interested in the literature and literary criticism. It does not represent his ideas when he had matured in reflection and when his thinking became only for Allah and when he had made a huge step into Islam.He himself did not recommend to read this book, those books that he recommended before his death to read are 1) "Fi Dhilal al-Quran"(especially the first twelve volumes that were revised and it was almost the last thing that he wrote from al-Thilal and he was eager to renew all his thoughts), 2) "Ma'alim fit-Tariq" (It's mostly taken from "al-Thilal", but he added some new chapters) 3) "Hadha ad-Din", 4) "al-Mustaqbal", 5) "Li hadha ad-Din" 6) "Khasais at-Tasawwur al-Islami" and "muqawwamat al-Tasawwur al-Islami" (and it's the book that was printed after his death) 7) "al-Islam wal-Mushkilat al-Hadhara", and as for the books that he discouraged from reading are all the books that he wrote before al-Thilal and amongst them is "al-'Adala al-Ijtimaiyya". As for the book "Limadha A'adamuni" (Why did they execute me), it's not a book, in reality it's records of an investigation conducted with him in a millitary prison, the questions posed by the investigator were omitted, but only answers were left there. Later Muhammad Husanein Heykal compiled it from the files of the prison and sold it to the newspaper "Sharq al-Awsat" (Middle East) and it was printed partially in the newspaper of muslims and later edited and printed in a book form. Because we couldn't get the original papers we could not tell how authentic were these papers. They have definitely omitted the records how he was tortured (and the newpaper admitted it) and as for the rest that is contained in these papers we can say that it's probably from him, but we can not be sure, especially when we know that these investigations were conducted by means of torture. It's my answer to your question. Wa billahi tawfiq.
Muhammad QUTB!

The words of Mufti Abdulaziz Al ash-Shaikh about Seyyid Qutbs book "Fi Thilal al-Quran":
"Wallahi, a student of knowledge if he reads it he can benefit from it... a student who can see mistakes...if a student of knowledge reads some passages from this book, and in reality concerning some passages, this book is very good, there has been mistakes and i dont say that it's free from mistakes but one should be fair and just and we should not interpret his words and give them meanings that he did not intend. And we should not have prejudice. This man made jihad and as you know he became martyr or was killed as a martyr - rahimahullah -
Question to mufti: as a result from your words that you said before a while, does it mean that you call new students of knowledge to read this book?"
"He has books where he had some mistakes and he left these mistakes, because Quran... probably writing commentary on Quran made him leave his previous minhaj and no doubt that when you reflect upon the meaning of Quranand when you read it frequently, it changes you.."
"Kitab at-Tawhid", sixth lesson
Shaikh Nasir ad-Din al-Albanis words about Sayyid Qutb:

السؤال الأول- وكلا السؤالين واردة من كتاب ( في ظلال القرآن)- ذكر صاحب كتاب (في ظلال القرآن)، في أول سورة (طه)، بأن القرآن ظاهرة كونية كظاهرة السماوات والأرض..
فما رأيكم في هذا الكلام، مع أنه صادر بكاف التشبيه يا شيخ؟؟

فأجاب الشيخ: محمد ناصر الدين الألباني-رحمه الله-:
نحن -يا أخي- قلنا أكثر من مرة أن سيد قطب- رحمه الله- ليس عالماً، وإنما هو رجل أديب ، كاتب، وهو لا يُحسن التعبير عن العقائد الشرعية الإسلامية، وبخاصة منها العقائد السلفية، ولذلك فلا ينبغي أن
ندندن حول كلماته كثيراً، لأنه لم يكن عالماً، بالمعنى الذي نحن نريده؛ عالماً بالكتاب والسنة، وعلى منهج السلف الصالح.
فهو في كثير من تعابيره، يعني تعابير إنشائية..بلاغية.. وليست تعابير علمية، وبخاصة تعابير سلفية..ليست من هذا الباب..
فنحن لا نتردد باستنكار مثل هذا التعبير، وهذا التشبيه، أقل ما يُقال فيه: أنه لا يعني أنه كلام الله حقيقة- كما هو عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة..أو أنه كلام الله مجازاً- كما هو عقيدة المعتزلة-..
كلام خطابي شعري..
لكن أنا لا أرى أن نقف كثيراً عند مثل هذا الكلام، إلا أن نُبيِّن أنه كلام غير سائغ شرعاً، وغير معبِّر عن عقيدة الكاتب للقرآن الكريم، هل هو كلام الله حقيقة أم لا ؟ هذا الذي أعتقده، وهذا هو الجواب عن السؤال الأول.

السؤال الثاني- وهو في نفس الكتاب- وذلك في بداية سورة ( النبأ)، أو بالأصح: مقدمة سورة ( النبأ) ، قال عن القرآن، وكلمة في القرآن، أنه( تموجات موسيقية)؟؟

فقال الشيخ الألباني-رحمه الله-: نفس الجواب.
فقال السائل: هذا يقودنا يا شيخ إلى بعض التساؤل: نرى في كثير من كتابات بعض الكتّاب، أو من المنتسبين للعلم..
فقال الألباني-رحمه الله-: عفواً قبل ماتكمّل، ماذا فهمتَ أنت من قوله: تموجات؟؟ هل هو يعني الكلام الصادر من رب العالمين، أم هو من جبريل-عليه السلام-، أم من نبينا الكريم؟؟ ما تفهم لا هذا ولا هذا
ولا هذا !!.. ولذلك أنا بقول: كلام خطابي شعري، لا يُنبي عن رأي الكاتب وماذا يعنيه.. هكذا الحقيقة أكثر الكتّاب عندما يكتبون، يكتبون عبارات إنشائية خطابية، لا تعطي حقائق كونية واقعية.. طيّب كمّل.

فقال السائل: مع قولكم هذا يا شيخ-بارك الله فيكم- نرى كثير من الكتّاب، أو من طلاب العلم الذين تأثروا حتى بمنهج المحدثين، أو لهم مثلاً في علم الحديث، أو في علم بعض الأمور تأثروا بمنهجه..
فقال الشيخ الألباني-رحمه الله-: وما هو منهجه؟ وهل له منهج؟
فقال السائل: نعم، وهو التأثر بكتابات أبو الأعلى المودودي، في كلماته ،كثير من الكلمات، مثل كتابه(العدالة الاجتماعية)، وكتابه( التصوير الفني في القرآن)..
فقال الشيخ الألباني-رحمه الله-: هذا أسلوب أدبي، ليس أسلوباً علمياً.
فقال السائل: لا، هناك منهج خاصة في التكفير؛ تجهيل الأمة، وتكفيرها، وخاصة في كتاب( العدالةالاجتماعية).. وذكر عنه أيضاً صاحب كتاب: ( الأعلام) للزركلي، ذكر عنه هذا، وأنه كان –يعني- اتخذ
هذا المنهج وهو تجهيل الأمة بكاملها، تجهيل كل مَن حواليه، فتأثر بهذا المنهج كثير من الشباب الآن ،فأصبحوا يدعون لكتبه، ويدعون لآرائه، ولجميع ما كتبه، فما رأيكم يا شيخ في هذا؟؟
فقال الشيخ الألباني-رحمه الله-: رأينا أنه رجل غير عالم وانتهى الأمر!! ماذا تريد- يعني- أكثر منهذا؟!! إن كنتَ تطمع أن نكفِّره، فلستُ من المكفّرين، ولا حتى أنتَ أيضاً من المكفّرين..
لكن ماذا تريد إذاً؟؟!! يكفي المسلم المنصف المتجرِّد أن يُعطي كل ذي حق حقه، وكما قال تعالى:\" ولا تبخسوا الناس أشياءهم ولا تعثوا في الأرض مفسدين\". الرجل كاتب، ومتحمس للإسلام الذي يفهمه، لكن الرجل أولاً ليس بعالم، وكتاباته (العدالة الاجتماعية) هي من أوائل تآليفه، ولما ألّف كان محض أديب، وليس بعالم، لكن الحقيقة أنه في السجن تطوّر كثيراً، وكتب بعض الكتابات كأنها بقلم سلفي ليست منه.. لكن أنا أعتقد أن السجن يُربّي بعض النفوس، ويُوقض بعض الضمائر، فكتب كلمات، يعني يكفي عنوانه الذي يقول: (لا إله إلا الله، منهج حياة)، لا إله إلا الله منهج حياة.
لكن إذا كان هو لا يفرِّق بين توحيد الألوهية، وبين توحيد الربوبية، هذا لا يعني أنه لا يفهم توحيد الربوبية، وتوحيد الألوهية، وأنهما يجعلهما شيئاً واحداً.. لكن يعني أنه ليس فقيهاً، وليس عالماً، وأنه لا يستطيع أن يُعبّر عن المعاني الشرعية التي جاءت في الكتاب وفي السنة، لأنه لم يكن عالماً.

فقال السائل: ألا ترى –ياشيخ- مع هذا التأثر وهذه الأمور التي كتبها ، أن يُرد عليه؟
فقال الألباني- رحمه الله-: نعم يُرد عليه، ولكن بهدوء وليس بحماس..يُرد عليه، وهذا واجب.. ليس الرد على المخطيء محصوراً بشخص أو أشخاص.. كل من أخطأ في توجيه الإسلام بمفاهيم مبتدَعة، وحديثة ولا أصول لها في الكتاب ولا في السنة، ولا في سلفنا الصالح، والأئمة الأربعة المتبَعين؛ فهذا ينبغي أن يُرد عليه..
لكن هذا لا يعني أن نعاديه.. وأن ننسى أن له شيئاً من الحسنات!!
يكفي أنه رجل مسلم، ورجل كاتب إسلامي- على حسب مفهومه للإسلام كما قلتُ أولاً-،[غير واضح] وأنه قُتل في سبيل دعوته للإسلام، والذين قتلوه هم أعداء الإسلام..

- The first question - and both questions are taken from his book "Fi Thilal al-Quran", the author of the book mentioned in "Fi Thilal al-Quran" in the beginning of the surah "TaHa" that "The Quran is a cosmic phenomenon like the phenomenon of the Skies and the Earth". What is your opinion about these words, considering the fact that he made here a sufficient analogy (tashbih), o Shaikh?

Shaikh answered:
- My brother! We said it more than once that Sayyiq Qutb - rahimahullah - was not a scholar, he is a man of literature, writer and he is not knowledgable in terminology related to Islamic Shari'a, especially the words related to salafi aqida. That's why it's not appropriate to give so much attention to some separate words, because he was not a scholar, a scholar in a meaning that we intend , i.e.a scholar of Quran and Sunnah who was upon the minhaj of the righteous salaf.
The most of his words are... I mean literary, eloquent words and they are not terms related to islamic knowedge, let alone salafi terminology...his words are not of this type..
And we do not hesitate to reject such expressions and this analogy; I say what is to be said: it does not mean that it's the word of Allah in a literal meaning - as it's the belief of Ahl as-Sunnah - and it doesn't mean that it's the word of Allah in a figurative meaning - as in the doctrine of mu'tazila...
These are eloquent and poetic words...
But I dont see it necessary to concentrate on such words, but we just explain that using such expressions is not allowed in Shari'a. And it doesnt state clearly what is the authors belief regarding the Noble Quran, i.e. is it the true word of Allah or not?! That's what i believe and it's the answer for your first question.

- The second question - and it's from the same book - and it's in the beginning of the surah Naba', or to be more correct: it's in the introduction to the surah Naba'; where he said about Quran: that it's "musical waves"!!!

Shaikh al-Albani said:
- The same answer!

- O Shaikh! It leads us to some questions: we see on many writings of some writers or those who claim to have knowledge...

Shaikh al-Albani interrupts:
- Sorry! Before you continue--what did you understand from his word "waves" ? Does it mean that it's the word coming from Allah or it's from Jibreel - peace be upon him - or it's from our nobel prophet? What do you understand? not the first and not the second and not the last!!! That's why I tell you: These are eloquent poetic words and it doesnt give information about the authors belief and what he intended... it's the reality of many writers when they write, they wrote literary and eloquent words and it doesn't give you true reality...OK, continue...

- With these words of you, o Shaikh - barakallahu fikum - we see many writers and students of knowledge - and there are even people who are versed in the field of hadith - they are affected by his minhaj...

Shaikh al-Albani:
- And what is his minhaj? Has he got a minhaj?

- Yes, and it's affection to writings of Abu 'Ali al-Mawdudi...he cites his words, in many places, like in his book "al-'Adala al-'Ijtimaiyya" and his book "at-Taswir al-Fani fil-Quran"...

It's a literary style and not an academic islamic style...

-No, he has a special minhaj regarding takfir! He call the whole Islamic nation a nation of jahiliyya and he regarded them as kuffar, especially in his book "al-'Adala al-'Ijtimaiyya"...and al-Zirikli, the author of the book "al-'Ilam" mentioned about him the same. He had this minhaj and it's calling the ummah a naton of jahiliyya, he considered all the people around him ignorant and now many of the youth are affected by this minhaj and they began calling to his books and they call to his beliefs and to all his writings. And what is your opinion about that, o Shaikh??

- We think that this man was not a scholar and this issue ends here! What do you want more than that???? If your so covetous of me to make takfir upon him and I'm not from those who make takfir, and your not one of them either...But what do you want???? It's sufficient for a muslim who is fair and rightful to treat everyone justly, as Allahu Ta'ala said: ""And withhold not things justly due to men, nor do evil in the land, working mischief." The man is a writer, enthusiastic about Islam which he understood. But firstly this man is not a scholar and his book "al-'Adala al-'Ijtimaiyya" is amongst his first books. When he wrote this book he was just a man of literature, not a scholar. But the reality is that he changed a lot while he was in jail and he wrote some books as if these books were written by a salafi, and not by him...But I believe that the life in prison educates some souls and clears up conscience of some people. He wrote some books and titles of these books are sufficient: "La ilaha illa Allah, minhaj al-hayah" (la ilaha illa Allah, formula of life)...
But if he didn't make diffirence between "tawhid al-uluhiyyah" and "tawhid ar-rububiyyah", it doesn't mean that he had not understood "tawhid ar-rububiyyah" and "tawhid al-uluhiyyah", but he considered these two in one...it means that he was not a faqih and not a scholar and he was not able to use the terms that came with Quran and Sunnah, because he was not a scholar.

- O shaikh, don't you think that with all this affection and all these things that he wrote, we should refute him?

Shaikh al-Albani:
- Yes, he should be refuted, but with clear guidance, not with zeal..he should be refuted and it's important. Refutation of one who err is not limited to a person or personalities.Every person who make mistakes when he writes about Islam with innovated methods and without bases from the Quran and Sunnah and our righteous salaf and four imams that are followed, should be refuted.
But it doesnt mean that we become hostile to him...and that we forget all his good qualities!!! It's sufficient that he is a muslim and he is an islamic writer - as much as he understood from Islam as I said earlier - (unclear words) ...and he was killed for his calling to Islam and those who killed him were enemies of Islam.
listen to above www.islamgold.com/rmdata/136_Albani_sayed_qotob.rm

قال أحد الحاضرين: الكتابين هذين أحدهم بعنوان ( مطاعن سيد قطب في أصحاب رسول الله)، واعتمد فيه على الطبعة السادسة
عام64 قبل أن يموت سيد قطب في سَنَة..
فقال الألباني: الله يهديه، يا أخي شو بيفيد الكتاب هذا؟
A person said to Shaikh al-Albani:
"These two books titled as "Muta'an Sayyid Qutb fi Ashabi Rasulillah" (Sayyid Qutbs abuses of the prophets companions) and he relied on the sixth edition year 1964 before Sayyid Qutb died in the year..."
Shaikh al-Albani said: May Allah guide him! O brother! what is the benefit of this book?"
The above mentioned book is Rabi'i al-Madkhalis book, if I guess right!

Shaikh al-Albani, about "Milestones"...

قال السائل:
فكنت أتمنى سؤال واحد فقط، هل قلتم مرة أن ( معالم في الطريق) هو توحيد كُتب بأسلوب عصري؟
فقال فضيلة الشيخ محمد ناصر الدين الألباني-رحمه الله-:
أنا أقول إنه في هذا الكتاب فصل قيّم جداً، أظن عنوانه: ( لا إله إلا الله، منهج حياة).. هذا الذي أقوله..
وأنا قلتُ آنفاً، ومثل ما يقولوا عندنا بالشام [غير واضح] الرجل ليس عالماً، لكن له كلمات عليها نور، عليها علم..مثل: منهج حياة..
أنا أعتقد إن العنوان هذا كثير من إخوانا السلفيين ما تبنوا معناه، أنه (لا إله إلا الله)منهج حياة.
Someone asked shaikh:
I would like to ask you only one question: Did you say once that the book "Milestones" is tawhid that is written in the style of the century!
Shaikh al-Albani - rahimahullah - said:
I say that in this book there is a chapter which is very valuable, I suppose the title is "La ilaha illa Allah, minhaj hayah"... that's what I say and I said it earlier, as people usually say in Sham where I live ...(unclear words).. this man was not a scholar, but he has some words full of wisdom (noor), full of knowledge...like "minhaj hayah".. I believe this title, many of our salafi brothers do not adopt it's meaning that is "La ilaha illa Allah" minhaj hayah...
 wallahu al'am
Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)." 
Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah  (May Allah be pleased with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say, " O Allah, grant me benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek refuge in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition whose isnad is gharib.
Transliteration:an Abi Hurairah (radiya Allahu anhu) qaal:
qaala Rasul Allah (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam): "Allahumma infa'ni bima 'allamtani, wa allimni maa yanfa'oni wa zidni 'ilman, alhamdulillahi alaa kolli haal, wa a'odtho billahi min haali ahlil naar."

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Fiqh Siber                     : http://al-ahkam.net/
The Muslim Brotherhood         : http://ikhwanweb.com
Hidayahnet website             : http://hidayahnet.multiply.com/ 

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