09 May 2012

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Dreams - Islamic point of view


Dreams - Islamic point of view
Dreams are broken into three parts according to the Hadeeth:
  • Ru'yaa - good visions (dreams)
  • Hulum - bad dreams
  • Dreams from one's self
Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing be upon Him) said, "There are three types of dreams: a righteous dream which is glad tidings from Allah, the dream which causes sadness is from Satan (the devil), and a dream from the ramblings of the mind. (Related by Muslim)
True/Good Dreams:
The true dreams are from All-mighty Allah, as Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing Be upon Him) said, "True dreams are from Allah, and bad dreams are from Satan (the devil)." (related by Al-Bukhari)
True dreams are more likely to be seen by those who are truthful in their lives as Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing Be upon Him) said, "Those of you with the truest dreams will be those who are most truthful in speech" (related by Muslim)
Good dreams are also from All-mighty Allah, Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing Be upon Him) said, "If anyone of you has a dream that he likes then it is from Allah. He should thank Allah for it and narrate it to others." (related by Al-Bukhari)
You may share your good dreams with those you like as Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing Be upon Him) said, "If one sees a good dream, let him expect good, and not tell it except to those he likes (someone pious, honest, trustworthy)."(related by Muslim)
An example of the above Hadeeth is Prophet (Jacob) Yaqoob (Peace Be upon Him) telling his son, Josef (Yusuf) (Peace Be upon Him) concerning his dream about eleven stars and the sun and the moon prostrating to him: "He said, "O my son! Relate not your vision to your brothers lest they arrange a plot against you. Verily! Satan is to man an open enemy." (Surah Yusuf 12:5)
We know the brothers of Yusuf were jealous of him, therefore telling them the dream only served to increase their jealousy. So it is important that a good dream only be shared with trustworthy people who do not envy.
Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing Be upon Him) also told us, "Nothing is left of Prophethood except glad tidings." Those with him asked, "What are glad tidings?" He replied, "Good dreams." (related by Al-Bukhari)
Bad Dreams:
As stated above bad dreams are from Satan (Shaitan). Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing Be upon Him) told us what to do upon seeing a bad dream. "So when one of you sees a dream which he does not like, he should spit on his left side three times, seek refuge with Allah from Shaitan thrice, and change the side which he was sleeping on (or may move to another spot in the room) (related by Sahih Muslim)
Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing Be upon Him) also told us that if we saw a bad dream to "stand up and offer prayer." (related by Muslim)
Bad Dreams MUST NOT Be Disclosed:
Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing Be upon Him) said,"If he has a dream that he dislikes, then it is from Shaitan. He should seek refuge with Allah from its evil, and he SHOULD NOT MENTION IT TO ANYBODY, then it will not harm him."(related by Al-Bukhari)
No need to interpret bad dreams at all, If one does tell somebody about the bad dream then there could be the chance that some harm will come out of it or that dream itself may occur.
Dreams from One's Self:
These dreams come from one's thoughts.
Lying About Dreams
Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing Be upon Him) said, "Indeed the worst of lies is that of a person who falsely claims to have dream." (related by Al-Bukhari)
This is only a short article, but it is hoped this is beneficial to all that reads it, and it will erase some misconceptions people have about dreams.
Taken from Jeddah Dawah centre

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Recommended sites:
Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia  : http://www.abim.org.my
Ikram Malaysia                 : http://www.ikram.org.my
Palestinkini Info              : http://www.palestinkini.info
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera      : http://pk-sejahtera.org
Fiqh Siber                     : http://al-ahkam.net/
The Muslim Brotherhood         : http://ikhwanweb.com
Hidayahnet website             : http://hidayahnet.multiply.com/ 


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