Bismillaah, wal-hamdulilaah, was-salaatu was-salaamu 'alaa rasoolillaah,
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu
Reciting Qur'an whilst in Qiyaam (Standing in prayer)
Abd-Allah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'Aas (may Allah be pleased with them both), narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
Whoever recites ten aayaat (verses) in qiyaam will not be recorded as one of the forgetful. Whoever recites a hundred aayaat (verses) in qiyaam will be recorded as one of the devout, and whoever prays a thousand aayaat (verses) in qiyaam will be recorded as one of the muqantareen (those who pile up good deeds)." (Reported by Abu Dawood and Ibn Hibbaan. It is a hasan report. Saheeh al-Targheeb, 635).
Abd-Allah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'Aas (may Allah be pleased with them both), narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
Whoever recites ten aayaat (verses) in qiyaam will not be recorded as one of the forgetful. Whoever recites a hundred aayaat (verses) in qiyaam will be recorded as one of the devout, and whoever prays a thousand aayaat (verses) in qiyaam will be recorded as one of the muqantareen (those who pile up good deeds)." (Reported by Abu Dawood and Ibn Hibbaan. It is a hasan report. Saheeh al-Targheeb, 635).
Reading Qur'aan at night saves one from negligence, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever reads ten verses at night will not be recorded as one of the negligent." Narrated by al-Haakim, who said it is saheeh according to the conditions of Muslim. Al-Albaani said in Saheeh al-Targheeb wa'l-Tarheeb (640): It is saheeh because of corroborating reports.
Hence Ibn Khuzaymah narrated that hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) in a chapter called "The virtue of reciting one hundred verses in the night prayer, because the one who recites one hundred verses in the night prayer will not be recorded as being among the heedless." It was also narrated by Muhammad ibn Nasr al-Marwazi in his book Qiyaam al-Layl (164) in the chapters that speak of reciting in the night prayer.
And this virtue may also be attained by the one who recites this number of verses at night in general, whether that is during prayer or otherwise, before going to sleep or after waking up, if he wakes during the night. This general meaning was understood by many of the scholars when they narrated the hadeeth in their collections of hadeeth. Al-Daarimi (may Allaah have mercy on him) included it in a chapter called "The virtue of one who recites ten verses" (2/554).
Al-Haakim included it in his Mustadrak (1/738) in a chapter called "Reports concerning the virtue of the Qur'aan in general."
Al-Mundhiri included it in al-Targheeb wa'l-Tarheeb (2/76) in a chapter called "Encouragement to recite Qur'aan in prayer and at other times, and the virtue of learning it and teaching it."
He mentioned it a second time in a chapter entitled "Encouragement to recite adhkaar to be said by night and by day, not just in the morning and in the evening" (2/116).
Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Adhkaar (1/255):
Reciting Qur'aan is the most important of adhkaar, which should be done regularly. No day or night should be without it and it may be attained by reciting a few verses.
Then he mentioned a number of ahaadeeth including the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah that we have quoted above. End quote.
It is hoped that the one who recites ten verses at night will not be recorded among the heedless, whether he recites them during his night prayer or otherwise, for the bounty of Allaah is great indeed.
In Saheeh Muslim (789) it is narrated from Ibn 'Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "If the companion of the Qur'aan persists in reciting it by night and by day, he will remember it, but if he does not do that he will forget it."
Allaah has described the pious as follows (interpretation of the meaning):
"They used to sleep but little by night [invoking their Lord (Allaah) and praying, with fear and hope].
18. And in the hours before dawn, they were (found) asking (Allaah) for forgiveness"
[al-Dhaariyaat 51:17, 18]
Imam Ahmad (16510) narrated that Tameem al-Daari (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever recites one hundred verses in one night will have recorded for him (as if he) spent the night in worship."
Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Saheehah (644)
Note 1 :Reciting Surah Yasin which has 83 ayat & surah Mulk which has 30 ayat is more than 100 ayat.Note 2: Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar said: From Soorat Tabaarak [al-Mulk] to the end of the Qur'aan is one thousand verses.
Whoever prays qiyaam reciting from Soorat Tabaarak to the end of Qur'aan has prayed qiyaam with one thousand verses.
Reciting from Mushaf in Salah
Ibn Abi Mulaykah has been cited as evidence for the validity of reciting from the mushaf in prayer,
أن عائشة كان يؤمها غلامها ذكوان في المصحف
"'Aishah used to be led in prayer by her slave Dhakwan whilst reading from the mushaf"
This was recorded by Imam Abu Dawud in Kitab al-Masahif.
Reciting Quran generally at night
It is proven in the saheeh Sunnah that the Qur'aan will intercede for those who read it at night, as Ahmad (6626) narrated from 'Abd-Allaah ibn 'Amr that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Fasting and the Qur'aan will intercede for a person on the Day of Resurrection. Fasting will say, 'O Lord, I deprived him of his food and his desires during the day, so let me intercede for him.' And the Qur'aan will say: 'I deprived him of his sleep at night so let me intercede for him.' Then they will intercede." Narrated by Ahmad; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami', no. 3882.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stated that reading the Qur'aan at night is one of the blessings that the believer is to be envied for. He said: "There should be no envy except in two cases: a man to whom Allaah teaches the Qur'aan, so he recites it during the night and during the day, and his neighbour hears him and says, 'Would that I had been given what So and so has been given and I could do what he does, and a man to whom Allaah gives wealth so he spends it all for the sake of the truth, and a man says, 'Would that I had been given what So and so has been given and I could do what he does.'" Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 4738.
Night Prayer in The Quran
Allah the Most Exalted said:"They arise from [their] beds"[Noble Quran 32:16]
Mujahid and Al-Hasan said: "It means night prayer".
Ibn Kathir explained the verse: "The meaning is night prayer, leaving sleep and rest upon a soft and flat furnishing.
Abdul-Haq al Ashbeeli said: "Their sides find no rest upon a bed. So they are not settled on it because of the fear of the punishment, and hoping for reward."
Allah the Exalted mentioned about the people who make tahajjud:They used to sleep but little of the night, And in the hours before dawn they would ask forgiveness "[Noble Quran 51:17-18]
Al-Hasan said: "They burdened themselves with the night. They extended the salah until the early dawn, then they sat making du'a and seeking forgiveness."
Allah said:"Is one who is devoutly obedient during periods of the night, prostrating and standing [in prayer], fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord, [like one who does not]? Say, "Are those who know equal to those who do not know?" Only they will remember [who are] people of understanding."[Noble Quran 39:9]
Night Prayer in The Sunnah
My dear Muslim brother/sister: The Prophet (peace be upon him) encouraged making night prayer and arousing interest in it.
Night Prayer of The Prophet
Allah the Most Exalted ordered His Prophet to perform night prayer in the following:"O you who wraps himself [in clothing], Arise [to pray] the night, except for a little - Half of it - or subtract from it a little. Or add to it, and recite the Quran with measured recitation."[Noble Quran 73:1-4]
And He said:"And from [part of] the night, pray with it as additional [worship] for you; it is expected that your Lord will resurrect you to a praised station."[Noble Quran 17:79]
This proves that thankfulness is not only by the tongue. It is only done by the heart, the tongue, and the limbs. The Prophet (peace be upon him) established the duties of worship in the most complete manner, and in the most perfect form. He did all of this despite the fact that he had to spread the Islamic Aqidah, teach the Muslims, exert himself in the path of Allah, and fulfill the duties of his family and children.
He was as Ibn Rawaha said:
Among us is the Messenger of Allah reciting His book
When the courtesy is separated from the morning, glowing.
He showed us guidance after blindness, so our hearts
Are full of certainty that what he said is reality.
He spends the night separated from his bed
When the beds are heavy with the idol-worshippers.
Ibn Hajar said: "In this hadith is proof that the Prophet (peace be upon him) chose to prolong the night prayer. Ibn Mas'ud was strong-willed in preserving his emulation of the Prophet (peace be upon him). He did not think of sitting down until the prayer was much longer than he was used to."
Night Prayer And The Early Muslims
Imam Al-Hasan Al-Basri said: "I did not find any worship more powerful than salah in the middle of the night".
Abu 'Uthman Al-Hindi said: "I was the guest of Abu Huraira for seven [days]. He, his wife, and his servant would divide the night into three parts, praying one part and staying awake for another part".
When Shaddad ibn Aws would go to bed, he would be like a grain in a frying pan. Then he would say: "Oh Allah, hell-fire does not stop me from sleeping". Then he would stand to pray.
Tawus would strongly awaken his family, then he would make wudhu and face the qibla until morning. He would say "The sleep of the worshippers has caused them to completely stop remembering the hell-fire!"
Zum'a al-Abid would pray long hours of the night. When dawn would approach, he would raise his voice and announce: "Oh riders of the beds, are you going to sleep and waste away the entire night? Will you not get up and leave the bed!" He would then hear crying from one place, a person making du'a from another place, and someone making wudu from another place. When fajr time would come, he would say: "At the morning time, the people are thankful for the announcement"
The levels of the early Muslims with regards to Night Prayer
Imam Ibn-ul-Jawzi said: You should know that the early Muslims were at one of seven levels with regards to night prayer:
Factors That Make Night Prayer Easy
Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali mentioned some external and internal factors that make Night Prayer easy.
External factors are four:
Internal factors are four:
Al-Hafidh ibn Rajab said: "You should know that in Ramadan the believer combines two actions by which he struggles against himself: during the day-time by fasting, and during the night-time by night prayer. Whoever combines these two forms of struggle receives his reward without any account."
May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet, his family, companions, scholars, and all the Ummah.
Among the soorahs and verses which we are recommended to recite are the following:
1 – Aayat al-Kursiy (al-Baqarah 2:255)
It says in a mu'allaq report narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaari (2311) that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) appointed me to guard the zakaah of Ramadaan, then someone came and started rummaging in the foodstuff … and at the end of the hadeeth he said: "When you go to your bed, recite Aayat al-Kursiy, for there will remain with you a guardian from Allaah, and no devil will approach you, until morning comes." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "He told you the truth although he is a liar. That was a devil."
2 – The last two verses of Soorat al-Baqarah
It was narrated from Abu Mas'ood al-Ansaari (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever recites the last two verses of Soorat al-Baqarah at night, they will suffice him." Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5009) and Muslim (2714). Ibn al-Qayyim said in al-Waabil al-Sayyib (132): They will suffice him against any evil that may harm him.
It was narrated that 'Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) said:
"I did not think that any sane person could sleep without reciting the last three verses of Soorat al-Baqarah."
In al-Adhkaar (220), al-Nawawi attributed it to the report of Abu Bakr ibn Abi Dawood, then he said: It is saheeh according to the conditions of al-Bukhaari and Muslim.
3, 4 – Soorat al-Isra' and Soorat al-Zumar
It was narrated that 'Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would not go to sleep until he had recited Bani Israa'eel (Soorat al-Isra') and al-Zumar.
Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (3402) who said: it is a hasan hadeeth. It was also classed as hasan by al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar in Nataa'ij al-Afkaar (3/65), and it was classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi.
5 – Soorat al-Kaafiroon
It was narrated that Nawfal al-Ashja'i (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to me: "Recite Qul yaa ayyuha'l-kaafiroon then go to sleep at the end of it, for it is a disavowal of shirk."
Narrated by Abu Dawood (5055) and al-Tirmidhi (3400); classed as hasan by Ibn Hajar in Nataa'ij al-Afkaar (3/6); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.
6, 7, 8 – al-Ikhlaas and al-Mi'wadhatayn [i.e., the last three soorahs of the Qur'aan]
It was narrated from 'Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) that when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) went to bed every night, he would hold his hands together and blow into them, and recite into them Qul Huwa Allaahu Ahad, Qul a'oodhu bi rabb il-falaq and Qul a'oodhu bi rabb il-naas. Then he would wipe them over whatever he could of his body, starting with his head and face and the front of his body, and he would do that three times. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5017).
It was narrated that Ibraaheem al-Nakha'i said:
They regarded it as mustahabb to recite these soorahs every night three times: Qul Huwa Allaahu Ahad and al-Mi'wadhatayn. Al-Nawawi said in al-Adhkaar (221): its isnaad is saheeh according to the conditions of Muslim.
Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Adhkaar (221):
It is better for a person to do all that has been narrated of this matter, but if he cannot do that he should do whatever he is able to do. End quote.
It is not essential to read from the Mus-haf. It is sufficient for the Muslim to recite whatever he can from memory of the passages mentioned above, and Allaah will decree for him what He has promised.
And Allaah knows best.
Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)."
Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).
Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah (May Allah be pleased with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say, " O Allah, grant me benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek refuge in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition whose isnad is gharib.
Transliteration:an Abi Hurairah (radiya Allahu anhu) qaal:
qaala Rasul Allah (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam): "Allahumma infa'ni bima 'allamtani, wa allimni maa yanfa'oni wa zidni 'ilman, alhamdulillahi alaa kolli haal, wa a'odtho billahi min haali ahlil naar."
qaala Rasul Allah (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam): "Allahumma infa'ni bima 'allamtani, wa allimni maa yanfa'oni wa zidni 'ilman, alhamdulillahi alaa kolli haal, wa a'odtho billahi min haali ahlil naar."
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