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Ramadan 12 ,1434/July 21, 2013
Huge pro-Morsi rallies on Friday, July 19, in several areas of Cairo and other cities were totally censored by US media and even by the BBC. Muslim Brotherhood has not backed down.[Scroll down for best analysis of the coup plot.]
Canada's rulers are mistreating Islamic political prisoners. Recently Momin Khawaja had boiling water thrown on him in prison and has suffered serious burns. Please counter Canada's mistreatment of Islamic prisoners. You can help. Momin did not hurt anyone. It's an outrage that he got such a long sentence. Scroll down to informative article and send out an email or letter. {Canada is with NATO in Afghanistan and is getting whipped.]
July 20. Is Geraldo the only genuine journalist left on corporate media? On Fox TV he strongly questioned the FBI shooting of Ibrahim Todaschev, said to be a close friend of the Boston bombers. He reports that after extensive interviews, FBI shot him mid-interview 7 times, including once in the back of the head. There seems to be a link between Todschev and the murder of three Jew. Were they Israeli agents? Their throats were cut he says. There is much hidden here.
Jamaat al-Muslimeen was the first to speak against the Zimmerman acquittal. See facebook.
Are Black people being fooled by Obama? Scroll down to hard hitting article from Solomon Commissiong.
Rallies Across America for Trayvon Martin. More than 100 cities
[Some of the rallies were backed by the government but most were genuine.]
Here is a report from our friends in DRUM about the first rally in New York
01 August 2013
Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Egypt plot uncovered:Solid analysis+Baltimore in Focus:200 people+Canada:Hating
The last few days have been one of national outrage,