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Jamada Al-awwal 2,1435/March 2, 2014
Breaking News: Ukraine
On March 1, elite Russian troops entered Ukraine in the Crimea. Weeks of demonstrations in Ukraine led to the dismissal of the pro-Russian deeply corrupt president. He tried to crush the demonstrators, killing 77 in one day. When the people prevailed he fled to Russia.
If the Russian military intervention continues and the Ukrainians resist, Russia msy have to reduce its aid to the tyrant of Syria, Assad.
Russia has diluted the Ukrainian population by bringing in large numbers of Russians into the areas adjoining Russia.
Ukrainians were targeted for genocide by Stalin with the secret police led by Jewish Comissars. When Hitler sent the German military into the Soviet Union, large numbers of Ukrainians joined the German forces and took revenge on the Jews who had devastated Ukraine under Stalin. [The Germans were blamed for these revenge attacks.]
Breaking news: Pakistan
Feb. 28: The Pak Taliban have decided to cease fire for the next month. Pakistani jet fighters are continuing to bomb North Waziristan with the death toll now almost 100.The Pak Taliban said that the bombing will not hurt their forces but will do serious damage to the tribal populations who are fleeing the area in large numbers.
Pak Taliban blew up a police unit trying to enter the tribal areas, killing 10 police, which was bringing medical anti-polio supplies. Pak Talibs consider the anti-polio teams as if they are bent on sterilization of the people.
On February 24, a martyrdom operator sent by Hizbul Mujahideen hit the Iranian Consulate in Peshawar, killing two Pakistani troops guarding the building and wounding 10.
Earelier on February 18, Iran threatened to invade Pakistan's south western border after an Islamic group known as Jaish al-Adl captured 5 Iranian security forces. Iran says they were taken into Pakistsn but Pakistan says it wants to find them but can't..
Top Islamic leader Syed Munawar Hasan addressed the women in Jamaate Islami's shoora and spoke on US imperialism and Karachi's fascist group MQM's links with the army after MQM urged the army to take over the country. Please scroll way down to this important statement by Hasan.
Imran Khan decided to end the blockade of NATO supplies.
Breaking News: Africa rejects Obama's Homosexual invasion
On February 27, the President of Uganda signed into law severe punishments for homosexual acts. He defied the World Bank's threat to cut off $90 million to this poor country. [The Ugandan government was worried that millions of people would embrace Islam if the "Christian" government were seen as supporting homosexuality.]
Much more severe was the rejection of homosexualiry by Gambia, in West Africa, a little and extremely poor country, but with a Muslim population and Muslim President. Please scroll down to the report from Gambia [with thanks to Br. Rich from Nebraska.]
Looking Ahead
Amazing Message for Women from Prophet Muhammad, pbuh.
by Kaukab Siddique
One of the greatest female companions of the Prophet, pbuh, was Umm Hurum bint Milhan. She was his foster aunt and was always in the forefront of the Islamic struggle. Often he would go and rest in her home after a long day of preaching and teaching. Once when he was asleep in her home, he awoke laughing happily and said that he had seen the Muslims advancing forth on the ocean. She appealed to him to pray to Allah that she be one of them. He went back to sleep and again awoke and laughed happily and talked about the Muslims going forth on the oceans. Umm Hurum again asked him to pray that she be one of them. He prophesied to her: "You will be among the first of them, not the last of them." Then he blessed the mujahideen who would go forth on the oceans:
"The first force which will go forth to fight on the oceans is promised paradise. Again Umm Hurum asked: O messenger of Allah, will I be one of them. He said: Yes, you will be among them." [Sahih Bukhari kitab al-Jihad].
The prophesy was fulfilled years later during the caliphate of Usman, r.a., the third rightly guided Caliph of Islam. When the united naval fleets of Europe approached Muslim lands, Usman, r.a., sent forth an Islamic naval fleet to stop the European forces. In the battle which followed, the ENTIRE European armada was destroyed in one day. The illustrious commander of the fleet appointed by Usman, r.a., was Muawiyya, r.a.
Umm Hurum, r.a., and Muawiyya's wife Fakhta were part of the naval warriors.
Later the Muslims pursued the Europeans to the island of Cyprus where in an accident Umm Hurum died. Her grave in Cyprus is visited by both Christians and Muslims. The Christians call it "the grave of the Good Woman" and some even seek blessings by visiting there.
[We do not know if the grave has survived into our times.]
National Islamic Shoora
Jamaat al-Muslimeen Planning Committee: May 3, 2014
Inshallah the Shoora of Jamaat al-Muslimeen will meet on May 3, 2014.
Agenda is being prepared.
Major issues facing the Muslims of America are being ignored by organizations which identify themselves as American Muslim or even Islamic.
The ummah in America has become like a ship drifting on the ocean without direction.
The Shoora will be addressed by top leaders of Jamaat al-Muslimeen including:
Dr. Abdulalim Shabazz
Sis. Ashira Naim
Br. Robert Solano
Sis. Ayesha
Br. Ali Randall
Br. Abu Talib
Br. Kaukab Siddique
Confirmations from others are awaited.
We are willing to accept a couple of observers if they are interested in learning from our experience of many years.
Outreach: Wow!
Jamaat al-Muslimeen's Message Given to 200 Muslims in Virginia after Juma'
It was risky.
February 28, 2014: Dar al-Hijra is a fancy masjid in Falls Church, Virginia, attended by large numbers of Pakistanis, and some Arabs and African Americans. It has a mediocre lick spittle Uncle Tom imam known as Johari Abdul Malik. So it is risky to distribute Jamaat al-Muslimeen's literature there. Alhamdulilah, it was done successfully with many positive responses.
Six pages were given to 200 Muslims, which comes to 1200 pages. Thank you and jazakallah khayr.
The articles distributed were:
1. Dr. Kaukab's khutba on Da'wa and against sectarianism.
2. Appeal of Muslim Brotherhood leader al-Shater's daughter against Egypt tyrant's attempt to criminalize him.
3. Br. Abdul Hannan's article on Pakistan's Founder Qaide Azam's message to the Bengali people, squashing the myth that he was against the rights of Bengalis.
4. Analysis of slaughter of Muslims in Egypt by Sisi, in Syria by Assad and in Bangladesh by Hasina Wajed. Democracy is being tragically smashed and this will bring Muslims to the jihad movements.
Outreach 2:
Khutba on the Radical Stance of the Prophet, pbuh, in Makka.
Also on February 28, while literature was being distributed in Virginia, Dr. Kaukab Siddique gave the Juma' khutba in Baltimore, Maryland at Masjid Jamaat al-Muslimeen. The masjid was packed in spite of 14 degrees temperature. Here are the main points of the khutba:
1. The beginning of revelation [wahy] in the cave of Hira.
2. Prophet's, pbuh, appeal to his relatives got support only from a little boy named Ali, r.a
3. Persecution of the Prophet, pbuh, and his Companions by the oppressors. He remained peaceful but did not compromise.
4. Support came from: Intellectuals like Abu Bakr, r.a. and Usman, r.a., women like Khdija, r.a., and Sumayya, r.a., [the first martyr], and slaves like Bilal, r.a., and Yasir, r.a.
5. Persecution reached its height and the first hijra took place to Africa, led by Usman, r.a., and the Prophet's daughter, Ruqayya, r.a.
6. Severe mistreatment of the Prophet, pbuh, when he reached out to the city of Taif, yet he did not pray against them, declaring that he was sent as a mercy to mankind, but he remained uncompromising in his message.
7. His message reached Madina and delegations from there met him secretly pledging all out suport unto death.
8. Total loss of his worldly support with the passing away of Khadija, r.a., and Abu Talib, who was his tribal shield.
9. The attempt to kill him, and his hijra to Madina, yet leaving Ali, r.a.,behind to give the people the goods they had left in his trust.
10 We must remain peaceful. Be creative and active in giving the message but NEVER compromise on the message. STAND FIRM AGAINST THE OPPRESSORS but be compassionate to the oppressed.
Most of Syria is in Islamic hands but infighting provoked by government agents is causing Serious Losses.
Slow but steady advances by the mujahideen have driven Assad out of most of Syria. The Alawites are working hard to keep open their supply line and line of flight from Damascus via Homs to Latakia. Without help from Iran and Lebanon's Hizbush, they couldn't have done it.
In the big cities where entire populations rose up against Assad, the Alawites are using tanks, long range artillery and the air force to stop all food and medical supplies. The people are starving and Assad contnues to throttle the lifeline of food and basic requirements.
On February 26, civilians sneaking out of the Ghouta suburb of Damascus were ambushed by Assad's troops. At least 75 people were killed. Assad's Sanaa media declared it a great victory over "terrorists" but the photo of bodies issued by Sanaa shows that almost all those killed were civilians.
The westernized coalition opposing Assad suddenly attacked the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant [ISIL] killing scores of people. ISIL overreacted and started attacking all opposition groups. On February 25, some agent who had infiltrated ISIL killed a long time associate of Shaykh Osama known as Abu Khalid Suri. At this all the opposition forces turned against ISIL and stormed its headquarters in Aleppo. ISIL is unable to keep agents and agents provocateurs out of its ranks. The result is that on February 28 al-Nusra warned ISIL to stop infighting or face expulsion from Syria. Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, global leader of al-Qaida, has said that mujahideen should not be held responsible for any of the actions of ISIL.Reports indicate ISIL is starting to listen and is withdrawing from contested areas..
Assad, in spite of heavy weapons superiority, has not been able to advance even where ISIL was fighting other Islamic groups. Assad has not collapsed owing to daily re-supply by Russia and Iran with reinforcements on the ground from Hizbush of Lebanon.
Read the map carefully. The blue areas atl in Islamic hands.The areas near the major cities are contested. In the west, Latakia, areas west of Damascus, south of Homs and near "Israel" are in Assad's hands. [We do not recognize Israel but could not change the word "Israel" on the map.
![Map showing rebel-held, government held and contested areas](
Africa's response to Homosexuality
From Gambia
But he also hates Muslims
Failing to conquer Afghanistan
The utter ruthlessness of Imperialism has found a match
In the simple barefooted men from the caves of Afghanistan
Just defending their honor and family
Over time these barefooted men were gifted by Allah
With hearts s shining with the spirit of Islam
A character of simplicity, a personality shining with dignity
As they became students of the Quran, The Taliban
Their quality of life and desires became gift-wrapped in simplicity
Because Allah was preparing these Taliban
For a destiny with Palestine
Blind to spirituality The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan
But the barefooted men had a new energy
That the world can stop no more
Hearts glowing with the Light of The Quran
With that weapon of Spirituality they split the Evil Empire
America thought it was their Imperial Power
That scared away the Evil Empire
So they wanted to add Afghanistan as a colony to it's Empire
Ah! but Afghanistan has never knelt to power
So came the 'terrorist' to challenge the 'Mighty' America
The very same 'terrorist'
That America created to fight the Soviet Union
Now demanded that America too be on it's way
But America foolishly refuses to leave her 'colony'
Playing into a new reality
In which America, Israil, and Afghanistan
Have date with destiny
A destiny that will liberate Jerusalem, Insha-Allah
So while America wants to enslave Afghanistan
It is in Reality
Preparing Afghanistan for that date with destiny
A destiny foretold by Prophet Mohammad
That an unstoppable army will come from Khorassan
Which will liberate Jerusalem
Khorassan is an area in the mountains of Afghanistan
So the battle for the soul of humanity will start in Khorassan
Humanity's soul will only be free with the Liberation of Palestine
Which will soon be a Reality, Insha-Allah
Moazzam Begg arrested: Human Rights Activist supports Syria:
Earlier he was falsely accused & Tortured.
ACTION ALERT: Free Moazzam Begg!
Moazzam Begg, Outreach Director of CAGE, (an independent advocacy organisation working to empower communities impacted by the War on Terror), and former Guantanamo Bay detainee, who suffered three years of torture and abuse by the US government with the complicity of the British security services, was arrested on the morning of Tuesday 25th February 2014 on alleged Syrian-terror related charges.Moazzam is an internationally recognised figure on issues relating to due process and human rights. His advocacy on behalf of the Guantanamo Bay detainees has been recognised across the world, resulting in various governments accepting detainees who could not be returned to their countries of origin.
Reports says he was arrested with three other people in the West Midlands (UK); a man aged 36 from the Shirley area of Solihull and a 44-year-old woman and her 20-year-old son, both from Sparkhill in Birmingham, on suspicion of facilitating terrorism overseas. At the time of writing, all four are being held at a police station in the West Midlands.
This latest action is designed to ensure that any travel to Syria is deemed suspicious. It follows a concerted campaign of harassment against Muslim individuals and charities involved in providing humanitarian aid to the victims of the Syrian crisis. Moazzam Begg is just the latest individual drawn by the humanitarian catastrophe in Syria who has been labelled a terrorist .The purpose is to intimidate and vilify the wider Muslim community so that they are prevented from delivering much needed aid to the Syrian people. (CAGE)
Pakistan: Bold statements by Munawar Hasan
Top Islamic Leader talks to women: Condemns Drone attacks: Uncovers MQM's military links.
US has been attacking Mosquies & Medressas. Traitors within Pakistan help USA.
by Anwar Niazi
LAHORE, Feb. 28: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Syed Munawar Hasan, has said that the European Parliament's condemnation of the civilian killings in drone attacks should be a matter of deep consideration for the Pakistani rulers who could not stop this massacre. Addressing the newly elected Shoora of the JI women's wing at Mansoora on Friday, he said that the US drones had killed thousands of innocent men, women and children on the pretext of targeting terrorists. He said the whole nation had been protesting against these killings but the rulers remained indifferent and acted as US agents. Syed Munawar Hasan stressed upon the government to project the US tyranny on this score to the world community and press for the payment of compensation on the civilian deaths. He said the drones had been violating Pakistan's air space with impunity, and targeted mosques and Madrissahs, causing the deaths of seminary students and teachers. Marriage parties as well as funeral processions were targeted. The patriotic parties and leaders had repeatedly raised voice against drone attacks but the cowardly rulers defended the US stance. A former Foreign Minister and the present Interior Minister of the country had even stated at the floor of the assembly that the drones were only killing the terrorists. He said that now that the US Congress, the UN General Assembly and the European Union had condemned the drone attacks, the Pakistani rulers should shed US fear and adopt a bold stance in this regard. The JI chief referred to the statement of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that Karachi was under the control of the mafias and terrorists , and said this should be an eye opener for those who were demanding action in North Waziristan and were leveling serious allegations on those advocating dialogue. He said the operation in Karachi had failed and bloodletting was going on all around as had been the situation before the operation. He said the Supreme Court had already declared the MQM as a terrorist body. The MQM had flourished under the umbrella of Martial law and had always been black mailing the rulers. He said it was the responsibility of the government to move a treason case against MQM chief Altaf Husain for calling for military take over. The JI chief called for a thorough probe into the allegations of independent MNA Jamshed Dasti at the floor of the house as this was a highly serious matter
Undestanding the Issues facing India and the causes of Indian Muslims' Plight.
Critique of Capitalism and Marxism.
Interview with top Indian Muslim Intellectual Dr. Javed Jamil: Intro by Shamim Siddiqi
Mohtram Javed Bhai, Salaam, Allah Ap ku Sada Khush Rakhey and gives you
abundance of Tawfeeq and stamina to pursue your life long goal to its
desired end.
Shukrun for re-sending it in a bolder fond. It is so impressive, full of truth and the eternal facts of this cosmos and of the human abode that I "strangely" finished this entire fascinating interview, Alhamdulillah, in one sitting.
May Allah give Barakah in your health, ILM and Rizq.
In fact, it covers the entire spectrum of human society, its complexities with the ever increasing Global Corporate hegemonies and the most significant part that Muslims have to play for its inevitable revival latest by the middle of this 21 Century.
In its wake, it covers all your theories, pur suasions and exhortations to transform the Corporate India into a truthful democratic society where all the minorities, including Muslims do prosper harmoniously - a dream, I wish, India could strive hard for its attainment.
Equally, it covers all the basic thrusts of all your writings about Economic inequalities and exploitations at each level of human society. Hence I request you to PUBLISH this magnificent INTERVIEW in a Booklet Form AS IT IS for distribution in every nook and corner of India in millions and requesting all your well wishers to arrange funds for this project hurriedly. Insha Allah, it will work efficiently well in awaking the Muslims both at Indian and global levels. This is the need of time.
I humbly request all the addressees of this letter to read this Interview in depth in its TOTALITY, ponder over its contents as what Muslims ARE TO DO FOR THE REVIVAL OF THEIR FATE at this juncture and share it POSITIVELY with their friends at hand and at global level for better understanding of this world and its complexities and the greed of global Corporate interests
Allah will bless you all immensely, I am sure of it
Shukrun wa Jazakallah
Shamim Siddiqi
I a message dated 2/27/2014 9:33:26 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
A Talk with Dr Javed Jamil
Islamic Scholar and Director PEACE and Executive Chairman, International Centre for Applied Islamics as well as Editor monthly Islam Muslims and the World, Dr Javed Jamil in a conversation with Mushtaq Ul Haq Ahmad Sikander, about his early life, writing, Economic Fundamentalism, Science, Islam, Communalism and various social issues
Tell us something about yourself?
I studied medicine at the Lucknow Medical College. I am a physician specialist and practiced medicine for thirty years before devoting my complete time and energy to Islamic scholarship and the cause of humanity.
As you stated that you were trained professionally as a Doctor, so when did you switch over to Islamic Scholarship?
I was involved with the Islamic scholarship from the very beginning. In the school I was trained in the Hindi background rather than in Urdu or English that I mastered later on. My letter to the Editor was published in the reputed Indian Express when I was still studying in school. I then started writing in articles in various journals like Impact, Radiance etc. Even some of my articles were published outside India in the Arab world.
What were the reasons that compelled you to write?
It was an inner urge and passion that burned bright and compelled me to write. I was not from an Urdu background and was studying Medicine, but due to my multi dimensional attitudes and inclinations I was able to balance both my studies and extra co-curricular writings. I was also a theatre activist, Ghazal singer and captain of my college cricket team. I took a lot of interest in extra co-curricular activities besides my formal studies.
You started writing as a novelist and poet in Urdu or you were initially writing in English on Islam too?
As I stated earlier that I was not trained in Urdu or English, but I self studied and developed some command on them. I was deeply influenced by Islam since my childhood. So I started writing about Islam. The writing in both languages was going on simultaneously. Regarding my Urdu novel, it was inspired by my college events and conceived during my student days. It deals with the story of a college student, the turbulences of his student life that ultimately ends with suicide. As far as my poetry is concerned, my collection of ghazals, "Rahguzar" has been published by the Urdu Academy of the government of Uttar Pradesh (U.P). I must add here, that I never had any Ustad (teacher) for my poetry.
You are not only a Writer but an Activist too. What were the reasons that inspired your activism?
The Shah Bano Movement became the cause of my activism. I was among the pioneers of the movement in U. P. though being just twenty three years old. The first public demonstration against the Supreme Court verdict was organized in Saharanpur at my call in which more than 50000 Muslim marched against the court intervention in Personal Law. From 1984-1991 I was quite active in community affairs. I was also Chairman of Majlis e Tahafuz that was formed during the crises in Madrasa Mazaharal Uloom. Then people began to pull me towards electoral politics and I was not ready. The activism was also hampering my medical practice. Hence in early 1990s I was compelled to give up activism and concentrate on my medical practice and writing.
So how did you organize support for Shah Bano case and became a pioneer of a movement that was to rock whole India?
On the very next day of the verdict, I gathered a few concerned people. We decided to bring out a juloos the bery next Friday. Those days mass demonstrations by Muslims were uncommon, but I along with others organized huge protest demonstration against the Shah Bano case verdict. The Ulama of all sects participated and the demonstrations then spilled to other parts of India.
In the aftermath of Shah Bano case verdict that was then revoked due to the strong protests of Indian Muslims, we witnessed that Rajiv Gandhi gave permission for reopening the Babri Masjid gates in order to appease the Hindu majority. This led to Babri-Masjid Ramjanmbhoomi controversy flare once again, that ultimately led to demolition of the Babri Masjid by Hindutva Fanatics on 6th December, 1992. Do you think that Shah Bano movement was the precursor for demolition of Babri Masjid?
I don't think these two have any links with each other. Babri Masjid controversy started when idols were placed inside it during one night in 1949. The communal problem was raking India much before Shah Bano movement and that was responsible for the demolition of Babri Masjid not the other way round.
So what is your reading of the Communalism?
Since the privatization started in India, it was supposed to face a reaction. Leftist Forces were strong in 1980s and were resisting the privatization project. In order to break the resistance against privatization, communal riots were orchestrated in various parts of India. The leftist parties too got entangled in the communal problem, leaving the field open for Privatization. At that time media also played an important role in giving hype to the communal problem. Today if a Muslim religious leader delivers some speech or issues a press note it will rarely be carried by the media, but those days they got full coverage.
So it means that communal problem has economic roots?
Yes, certainly it has. The communal riots were orchestrated to divert attention from larger elite economic goals.
Your answer may be partially correct, but the major communal riot in India after partition was the Jabalpur 1961 riots. Then there was no privatization?
Then it was a partition legacy, but after that communal riots were orchestrated to accomplish larger economic goals.
What about massive Gujarat 2002 communal riots?
Gujarat riots are a blot of Indian Democracy and Secularism, but now the trend is to contain communalism. First the Corporations and those associated with privatization Project got hold of the Hindutva Forces and they started to support them. They used them to orchestrate the communal riots and achieve their economic goals, but now they too are not in favor of communal riots.
So you mean to say that Communalism will show a negative trend with more privatization and Globalization?
Yes definitely.
One of the concepts that frequently crops in your writings is that of Economic Fundamentalism. What does the term mean?
It is the crux of most of my writings and a central theme too. It means the supremacy of the Economics in the world. The world is governed by Economics and all other matters come under its purview. This Economic Fundamentalism is much more dangerous than it is being considered till now. I am trying to create awareness about the demon of Economic Fundamentalism.
So are you of the opinion that the struggle for power among the countries and the hegemony all are related to the greater control on Economy?
Yes, ultimately all are related to economy. Economic Fundamentalism and hegemony of West over the rest world are the ultimate goals of big powers.
So can Marxism be an answer to this onslaught of hedonist capitalism, what you call as Economic Fundamentalism?
Marxism and Capitalism both are the manifestations of the Economic Fundamentalism. In capitalism few control the economy and in Marxism you have a state control. In both cases the ultimate aim is the same.
But still can't Marxism as a tool be used to understand the capitalism and be an alternative to it?
No. When it comes to Economic Fundamentalism both are the same. The difference only is that Marxism tries to create a forced equality. But in terms of moral values, family values, negation of religion and tendency to hegemonies the world, both are the same.
So how can Islam offer a remedy and alternative to Economic Fundamentalism?
In Islam there is no Economic Fundamentalism. The ultimate aim of Islam is to inculcate a Holistic concept of Peace. Everything has to change according to the same. Islam doesn't permit commercialization of human weaknesses like Sex, liquor, pornography, prostitution etc. It is this concept "Dangerous Economics" that Islam rules out. In Islam, ,oral values, integrity of character, godliness and true equality are important with no room for hegemony.
If Islam is the answer to Economic Fundamentalism, why has Islamic World failed to protect itself from this demon?
I have discussed in my new book, how Islam has provided the answer to Economic Fundamentalism. I have depicted with practical examples and statistics that wherever Islam is being followed it is having a good impact and the problem is not as worse as in other Nations that are non Muslim.
But the Economic Fundamentalists have created an elite in Muslim world too, who are implementing their programmes?
Yes, I agree with you. But still on the Societal and individual level the economic fundamentalists haven't been as successful as they have been in other nations. Still Islam is offering a resistance and being an impediment towards achievement of their nefarious economic goals, which they have been successful to accomplish in other non Muslim nations.
Do you then witness Clash of Civilizations doctrine as factual?
No, there is just clash of interests not civilizations. Initially there was clash of interests among the Christians between Catholic (practicing) Christians and Economic Fundamentalists. Now there is clash of interests between Economic Fundamentalists and Muslims. Hence they are occupying Muslim lands.
So the War on Terrorism is a camouflaged war for furthering Economic Interests?
Since 9/11 attacks we have been discussing terrorism not tyranny. Tyranny has annihilated millions and terrorism is the by product of Tyranny. I condemn all forms of violence, but there needs to be a balance in condemnation. It is alleged that Al Qaeda is responsible for killing of more than six thousand people, but U.S till now has killed more than two million people. Hence I need to condemn U.S two million times for their crimes against humanity.
Can Inter-faith Dialogues help in narrowing the divide among people?
They too have become a victim of Economic fundamentalists. Inter Faith needs to change its face and unite to fight against economic fundamentalism. Westernization and economic fundamentalism are the enemies of Christianity too. All big religions i.e. Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam need to form a united alliance against economic fundamentalism
Are the insurgencies that go in the name of Naxalism and Moaism in India, bitter fruits Economic fundamentalism?
Yes, I am myself concerned about their plight but they are using wrong tactics while struggling for a just cause. Instead they should use mass non violent demonstrations as tools for realization of their genuine goals.
So where do you see India in the face of Economic Fundamentalism?
India is a country run by Corporates. All laws are made in the Corporate Houses. It is a Corporatocracy not a democracy.
Then how should we resist these corporate houses and their economic fundamentalism?
A multi pronged strategy is needed for an effective resistance. In the country, 90% of the tax revenue is coming from the common people, despite the fact the wealth is confined in a few hand only. The commercialization of human weaknesses like sex is continuing unabated. The economic disparities are growing wider with each passing day. The need is to work and resist at every level. We need to generate awareness about economic fundamentalism and the host of issues related with it. Along with it mass campaigns need to be organized. Then we need to have legal amendments. Every constitution of every country needs to have a list of "Fundamental Prohibitions" that can tackle the economic fundamentalism.
You are also the Editor of a monthly magazine, Islam, Muslims and the World. What were the reasons that led you to publish this magazine?
It is my way of entering the activist field once again. The idea behind issuing this journal is that it is based on new offensive ideology unlike the one ushering from Inferiority complexes, that we Muslims have. It is an initiative by Muslims to reach out to the global audience. Its concerns are Universal not Muslim centric only.
There are numerous magazines, journals and newspapers published by the Muslims in India. So how is your magazine different from others?
Others aren't discussing the issues, concerns and problems of Mankind but Muslims only. Islam is not for Muslims only it is for the whole mankind. Hence every problem in any part of the world is the problem of Muslims and it needs to be addressed and tackled by them. We want to remove the Muslim centric complex among Muslim, and present them as Universalists.
Don't you think that Muslim Ulama are the impediment as far as Universalism of Islam is concerned? They have retrograded Islam and made it synonymous with sectarianism?
The Muslim Ulama are unaware of the present. They don't know the challenges of the present world and the issues related with it. They only react when some problem crops up.
So it means that Ulama are reactionary?
Not all Ulama, but most of them are, as they don't know what the world and Muslims around them need. They are still occupied with the medieval mindset as formed and reinforced by their madrasa education.
You have recently published the document Muslim Vision of Secular India: Destination and Roadmap. So what does your Muslim vision of Secular India comprise?
My vision is for better, tolerant, plural and peaceful India. My other books are meant for the whole world but this document is particularly meant for India. My vision is for a comprehensive and holistic education of Muslims. The Muslims need to empower themselves educationally, ideologically, and above all, economically; only then they can affect the course of things. They must develop an opinion and have a say on every issue. Every matter facing the mankind must be dealt by them.
But don't you think the tag of terrorism manufactured by the State and reinforced by the stereotypical mainstream media against Muslim youth are the biggest impediments and obstacles for Muslims of India to play a bigger role in Nation and PeaceBuilding?
The opposite can also be true. Muslims are the most backward and poor people of India. Though there are certain structural biases and prejudices against them, but they themselves have given up the struggle that could lead to their betterment and progress. Muslims have media like Peace Tv and Etv Urdu and scores of journals and newspapers in print, but it is an apathy that Muslims never discuss National Issues, confronting the whole country. The minority syndrome is so deeply embedded among Muslims that they can't think beyond smaller community issues confronting them. The need of the hour is to develop media that can be an alternative to the mainstream media and discuss national issues. Till then the stereotyping by media will continue and Muslims will suffer.
I agree with your opinion, but Muslim Media howsoever small or flawed being it's approach, it is suffering from the apathy by Muslims, especially the Muslim middle class. They are too individualistic and not concerned with the issues facing Muslims. They don't subscribe to the Muslim journals or magazines that are essential for their survival. What do you have to say about this apathy?
If we change our approach and start talking, it will slowly start impacting their lives too. The middle class would then come forward and help in development of a vibrant Muslim media.
You have also written about Science and Islam. Do you see them in confrontation or conciliation with each other?
The true science and Islam have no reasons to be in confrontation with each other. Islam is the truth, and sciences too find and explain the truth through observations and experiments. But the current sciences have two faces: Practical sciences, which are very successful and philosophical sciences, which are nothing but a farce created under the patronage of forces of economics. The theories like those related to the creation and governance of the universe and mankind have been purposely designed to keep God and godliness out of the world. All scientific institutions are funded directly or indirectly by the corporate; they can't allow theories than can give a boost to religion. So, developing theories of Physics and origin that do not need any external hand or design are the ultimate aim of the atheistic world of science today. This situation cannot change unless the forces that sustain this approach are not uprooted. When atheism and atheistic secularism rule the world with total domination of all international institutions, scientific philosophies cannot be expected to support the concept of God. Even health organizations like WHO cannot come up with a call for campaign against promiscuity, prostitution, homosexuality, alcohol and gambling despite the fact that they have killed more than 1 billion humans in last 25 years.
Do you believe that all the theories of Science are present within Quran, like Big Bang Theory?
Big Bang theory is a false theory. Unfortunately some Islamic scholars have described it as consistent with Quran because they do not know the ultimate implications of the Big Bang. Moreover, Big Bang is not a theory of creation. It is theory of rearrangement of already existing mass-energy. My coming work, "Quran's Paradigm of Theoretical Physics" tries to develop a new theory, called "Universal Theory of Relativity".
You are also director PEACE and executive Chairman, International Centre for Applied Islamics. What are their activities?
I have been working at the Global and National level. I believe in the comprehensive empowerment of Muslims. I have envisaged establishment of Applied Islamics University. Though the dream is still in paper only, but I want to see it in practical terms too. Many people are supporting me morally but none is coming forward for supporting the project materially. All my publications have the same goal of realization of dream project of establishing Applied Islamics University. I also wish that the subject of Applied Islamics be included in madrasa curriculum too.
But the Ulama are too rigid for any inclusion in their curriculum of Dars e Nizamiya?
The Ulama need to play the biggest role for empowerment of Muslims. It is our duty to make them understand the real issues and problems confronting the Muslims. If they understand the real challenges and demands then they will leave behind narrow sectarian goals and have larger aims. The snake of Economic Fundamentalism needs to be recognized and killed by our joint efforts.
Any message for humanity?
The humanity must understand their ultimate goal: Peace. Peace of this life and peace in Hereafter. The humanity must learn to differentiate between friend and foe. Their biggest enemy is the devil of economic fundamentalism which has made the mankind slave of their desires. Once they uproot it, the true peace will prevail.
Dr Javed Jamil can be contacted at
Mushtaq Ul Haq Ahmad Sikander is Writer-Activist based in Srinagar, Kashmir and can be reached
Holocaust in Egypt.
With thanks to Sis. Zakira Hibatullah
What really happened on the day more than 900 people died in Egyp
The story of a massacre.
The bodies of Morsi supporters lie on the floor of the Rabaa al-Adaweya Medical Center. (Ed Giles/Getty Images)
Editor's note: The names of some individuals present at the sit-in have been changed for their protection.
It began with the sound of whistles in the dark. Civilian guards on the makeshift barricades had seen armored vehicles rolling toward the sleeping protesters, and raised the alarm.
Then, an announcement from the vehicles: "The security forces ask residents of this neighborhood to close all windows and balconies. Stay inside your houses during the clearance of this sit-in."
Two streets away from east Cairo's Rabaa al-Adaweya Square, where she'd spent the night with tens of thousands of others, 31-year-old Asmaa Shehata saw a young man on foot pelting toward her car. "It's started," he bellowed. It was 6 a.m.
By the end of the day on Aug. 14, 2013, more than 900 people would die inside the encampment, plunging Egypt into turmoil. It was the deadliest day in the history of Egypt's republic.
The fallout from the massacre has poisoned the country's post-revolutionary politics, locking Egypt's military-backed authorities and the Muslim Brotherhood into a battle for survival that has devastated families, hardened sectarian tensions, and facilitated the rise of Islamic militancy.
But six months later, the truth about what happened in Rabaa al-Adaweya Square is hotly contested.
This GlobalPost reconstruction — based on eyewitness interviews, visits to the scene, first-hand observation on Aug. 14, and an examination of video and photographic evidence — shows that thousands of peaceful demonstrators were trapped inside the camp as security forces mounted often indiscriminate attacks on the crowds.
From coup to sit-in
The sit-in had begun in July, with the military's overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. His opponents cheered the removal of what they saw as an authoritarian theocrat. But his supporters felt desperately aggrieved that their greatest achievement of Egypt's 2011 revolution — the election of an Islamist president — had been snatched away.
By August, a smattering of tents in Rabaa had morphed into an entire community, complete with stage, a market place, and table tennis. The square was surrounded by residential buildings in the heart of east Cairo.
Human Rights Watch calculated that Rabaa and its environs housed at least 85,000 protesters in early August. Muslim Brotherhood families thronged the square. Many had travelled from across the country to be part of the labyrinthine encampment, which stretched for almost a kilometer east to west.
Morsi supporters at the Rabaa sit-in in late July and early August, prior to the clearance. (Top left: Fayez Nureldine/AFP/Getty Images; top and bottom right: Khaled Desouki/AFP/Getty Images; bottom left Ed Giles/Getty Images).
This was the Morsi supporters' stronghold. They said they would not leave until they had achieved the impossible: their president's reinstatement.
More than 100 demonstrators died during police attacks on the site on July 8 and July 27, hardening their resolve to fight against the authorities. Afterward, their numbers swelled.
Many of the neighborhood's permanent residents wanted the camp dispersed. There were rumors about what was happening inside — that the square was awash with weapons; that passers-by had been kidnapped, tortured, and accused of espionage. Speeches blaring from the Rabaa stage were often sectarian, blaming Egypt's Christians for the misfortune of Islamists.
In the weeks leading up to Aug. 14, Egyptians officials warned that Rabaa was soon to be cleared, but promised a gradual and controlled dispersal with safe exits provided for the thousands staying at the square.
A statement issued by Egypt's interior ministry as the clearance began said the ministry was moving on both Rabaa and a second smaller encampment in west Cairo "to protect citizens' security. … It will provide safe exit for protesters and will not pursue them, except those who are wanted by prosecutors. The ministry is keen not to shed any Egyptian blood."
But police warnings that the clearance was about to start were delivered only minutes before the tear gas. Within ten minutes, the live-fire started. The promised safe exits were often unreachable due to heavy gunfire.
The demonstrators were mostly unarmed. A small group of men launched a fight back with a limited supply of guns, as well as Molotov cocktails and stones, from an unfinished building on the camp's southern flank, and in response, police unleashed lethal and indiscriminate force on the sit-in as a whole.
It is unclear who fired the first shots. But evidence gathered by GlobalPost indicates that security forces disproportionately deployed live ammunition against protesters rather than tear gas, water cannons, or other standard crowd-clearing tools.
When Human Rights Watch interviewed eyewitnesses and health workers a week after the attack, the organization found no evidence to suggest that firing by protesters justified the quick resort by police to massive lethal force against largely unarmed protesters. It described the clearance as "the most serious incident of mass unlawful killings in modern Egyptian history."
This is the story of how those ten hours unfolded. In addition to the deaths of more than 900 protesters inside Rabaa Square, the clearance would spark retaliatory sectarian violence against Christians across the country.
No safe exits
For Mohamed Salem, the clearance started with frantic whistling and the banging of metal shields on each barricade.
Standing by his tent on Tayaran Street, the camp's northern exit, the 19-year-old student heard police reassurances at 6:30 a.m. that demonstrators would be granted safe exit through two routes.
But within minutes, the sound of bullets cracked down the street.
GlobalPost illustration/Google Earth image
The first exit security forces had promised, Tayaran Street, was on the southern side of the sit-in. The second ran along the western section of Nasr Road. But it quickly became clear that police had little intention of making it easy for protesters to leave.
Intense tear gas and gunfire from security forces made moving toward Tayaran Street impossible for many, and the exit on Nasr Road difficult to reach.
But there was also pressure to stay put. From the camp's central stage, Brotherhood leaders shouted that the promise of safe exit was a trap.
Tayaran Street was in an uproar, Mohamed remembers. Most people ran back toward the center of the square. Others ducked into the tents that lined the road or broke shards of pavement to throw at the phalanx of troops standing behind armored bulldozers and personnel carriers.
(Mosaab El-Shamy/AFP/Getty)
Moving through one of the few side streets not lined with troops, Asmaa Shehata re-entered the square. At points, she remembers, white tear gas turned the air almost opaque.
Sit-in leaders continued to shout from the stage. "Do not leave! Do not leave!"
Amid the chaos, Mohamed saw an old man rooted to the spot where he stood. "We screamed at him to move, but he stayed where he was," the student remembers. "When I ran forwards to grab him, I realized why he'd stopped."
In front of the old man lay the body of his son. He had been shot in the head.
As of the beginning of the clearance, police had sealed all entrances to the square. Journalists were barred from documenting the melee. Many did not manage to enter until mid-afternoon, accessing the site through the neighborhood's maze-like side-streets. Four were killed, including veteran Sky News cameraman Mick Deane.
A doorway filled with corpses
By 7 a.m., the first fatalities had reached Rabaa's makeshift field hospital, in the center of the encampment. There, the job of documenting the dead fell to Asmaa, who usually worked as journalist.
"Early on when there were only a few martyrs, I took many photographs of each person," she says, "but then the floodgates opened."
Bullets had drilled large holes through the skulls of dozens of protesters. In one of Asmaa's photographs, a man's brain has slipped out across the field hospital's bloodied floor.
Yet the interior ministry still claimed that live ammunition wasn't used. In a statement that evening the ministry insisted that police had used only tear gas against protesters.
Asmaa Shehata photographs medical workers sewing up the wound of aMorsi supporter in Rabaa's field hospital. Egypt's interior ministry initially claimed tha t no live ammunition had been used in dispersing the protesters.
When questioned by GlobalPost last week, the interior ministry modified its account, saying that live ammunition had in fact been used, but on a limited scale and only against those carrying automatic weapons.
As she photographed the 39th corpse, Asmaa's camera battery ran out. Seeking an electrical socket and a moment of solace, she crossed the narrow passage from the triage tent to Rabaa's media center, a space from which the camp's spokesmen had launched a media war against Egypt's new military-backed authorities.
She remembers hearing, as she moved, the continuous sound of bullets slamming into walls and trees in the surrounding streets.
Asmaa pushed, but the media center door wouldn't open at first. Too many bodies were stacked against it.
Inside, it was chaos. "Wherever I looked, I could see people holding bandages for others as they tried to stitch people on the floor. Other people were just kneeling there, holding hands with the casualties until they died," she said.
The unfinished building
Back on Tayaran Street, 19-year-old Mohamed joined the fight on the side of the protesters.
His tent at Rabaa was stationed in front of an unfinished building, known to protesters as the Muneyfa building. Seven stories high, this concrete skeleton was the nerve center of the resistance.
Mohamed joined a gathering crowd at the entrance, smashing sections of the pavement with which to arm themselves. They threw chunks of concrete rapidly, and in waves. "Even if the man next to me was shot, I knew we couldn't stop," he says.
The claim that a significant number of protesters were heavily armed lies at the center of the interior ministry's justification for what happened inside Rabaa on Aug. 14.
"This was a proportionate response, just targeting those who used live ammunition against policemen," General Hani Abdel Latif, the ministry spokesman, told GlobalPost last week. The interior ministry has repeatedly insisted that the clearance took place in accordance with internationally accepted crowd control standards.
By contrast, testimonies from inside the Muneyfa building and publicly available video evidencesuggest there were no more than a dozen guns in the hands of the protesters. Across the rest of the square, testimonies and video evidence show that some protesters carried clubs and several fired guns at the security forces.
But the vast majority were unarmed.
(Mosaab el-Shamy/AFP/Getty)
The disproportionate nature of the police response is clear from the numbers alone.
Egypt's forensic authority says 726 bodies were brought to the official morgue or hospitals. That number excluded bodies buried directly by their families. The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights has compiled a list of 904 names of people killed in the dispersal. Some NGOs believe the number to be higher still.
Early health ministry figures suggested that only eight of those killed in side Rabaa al-Adaweya were policemen. Human Rights Watch later raised the number to nine.
The fight intensifies
Shortly after midday on Aug. 14, an exchange of heavy gunfire between police and those at the Muneyfa building shattered a lull in the fighting. From his vantage point in an alley on the western entrance, a local resident watched the fighting as it intensified.
Across the street, he saw a young police officer sink to the pavement and stare blankly at the carnage.
When the resident tried to enter the sit-in to help carry out the wounded, another officer shrieked that he must stay where he was. The look on the officer's face was one of shame, the resident said. He was shaking.
Images taken by Asmaa Shehata, mentioned above, show men rushing injured demonstrators to medical care.
As the fighting wore on and police continued to advance, women and children huddled under tarpaulin tents.
The Egyptian media would later say that Brotherhood leadership had encouraged families to stay in the square until the last minute, rendering them human shields.
Rabaa's mosque became a hiding place for hundreds more, although the space grew increasingly cramped as makeshift morgues overflowed and fresh corpses were moved to the prayer hall.
But in the center of the camp, 34-year-old Yasmine Abdel Fattah refused to find shelter. The mother of three was searching for her husband, Ahmed. He'd been missing for three hours.
Moving quickly, she snatched a glance at the notional safe exit on the western stretch of Nasr Road. Armored bulldozers crept past burning tents. Some had been lit by protesters; others burst alight when blisteringly hot tear gas canisters made contact with the flammable awnings.
"Muslim Brothers were shouting at me to move fast and find shelter," says Yasmine. "But I kept stopping to ask if anyone had seen my husband. I felt frantic. No one knew where he was."
Under a white shroud on the third floor of the Rabaa medical center, she found him. He'd been shot three times.
Ahmed, an engineer, was with colleagues when he died. They say he was shot at point-blank range by a police officer. Forensic officials confirm that he was hit in his back and side with live ammunition, fired within close quarters.
Yasmine was allowed only the briefest of goodbyes to her husband's lifeless body. New corpses needed to be laid to rest in the space where she stood.
By mid-afternoon, Rabaa's volunteer doctors had been overwhelmed. Equipment and drugs were in short supply, and ambulances had stopped entering the encampment after a paramedic was shot dead.
For those inside the medical center, moving the injured to safety now involved braving a corridor of gunfire, to reach the ambulances stationed on the sit-in's southern flank.
For some, the desperate gamble paid off. Others were not so lucky. Standing behind the medical center on Mohamed Mandour Street, this reporter saw three casualties shot dead on their makeshift stretchers. In a fourth incident, a stretcher-bearer took the bullet.
As his wounded charge rolled to the ground, he too was shot in the head. The bullets appeared to be coming from the surrounding rooftops.
(Hassan Mohamed/AFP/Getty)
Shortly after 3:30 p.m., police finally took control of the Muneyfa building. They made arrests on every floor, and multiple eyewitnesses inside the building allege that beatings followed.
Mohamed was on the second floor when police entered. He remembers the screams of his fellow fighters. "They were writhing, screaming as if they were dying," he says. In fact, they were. "Almost no one survived on the ground floor."
With resistance from the Muneyfa building extinguished and Tayaran Street secured, police swept easily into the center of the sit-in, entering the mosque, field hospital and medical center.
Asmaa, the journalist, was inside the medical center when police entered. She describes how men and women were ordered into separate lines, then escorted outside with their hands above their heads.
After hours spent sheltering indoors, she was ill-prepared for what she saw next. Charred bodies scattered the blackened ground like driftwood. Police escorted ragged groups of protesters away from the carnage.
Along Nasr Road streamed a constant flow of protesters, many limping, others crying. Some people carried corpses. "As we carried out the dead, the residents were laughing," says Asmaa. "They were cheering and chanting, some were ululating."
Over the months, the sit-in had grown deeply unpopular among locals. Many were scared by the trouble and disruption it brought to the neighborhood.
But Asmaa was surprised, nevertheless: "After all that killing, I couldn't believe that our countrymen could have grown so estranged that they would take pleasure in such a tragedy," she says.
Morsi supporters display the four-finger symbol, used to remember those killed in the crackdown on the Rabaa al-Adaweya camp, during a demonstration against the military-backed government in Cairo on September 13, 2013. (Khaled Desouki/AFP/Getty Images)
After the massacre
Thousands emerged from the square to learn that the killings had triggered spasms of retaliatory violence across the country. Mobs chanting sectarian slogans torched and ransacked Christian establishments — 65 churches and monasteries were attacked. Pro-Morsi demonstrators, sometimes heavily armed, clashed with police for hours.
By nightfall, a curfew was in place in 14 governorates across Egypt. Inside Rabaa, the mosque, field hospital and medical center were engulfed in flames.
The events of Aug. 14, 2013 ruptured Egypt's post-revolutionary politics. They marked the end for prospects of reconciliation between the embattled and intransigent Muslim Brotherhood and the increasingly repressive military-backed authorities that pushed Morsi from power.
The Egyptian authorities have yet to establish a public record of what occurred that day. The prosecutor's office has not prosecuted a single member of the security services for excessive and unjustified use of lethal force.
Over the past six months, Morsi supporters have adopted a four-fingered salute, often depicted as a black hand on a yellow background, to remember those who died inside Rabaa al-Adaweya. In Arabic, Rabaa means "fourth."
As part of a far-reaching crackdown on the Brotherhood, displaying the sign is now a punishable offense.
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