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Ramadan 25, 1436/July 12, 2015
Distinguished Pakistani columnist Munir Ahmad Khalili corrects the misunderstanding of the hadith that the devil is chained in Ramadan. Khalili drastically analyzes the situation in Pakistan where sinful activities, corruption and exploitation continue during Ramadan. Khalili points out from the Qur'an that the devil has been given a free hand till the end of days.The hadith is about those who fast with sincerity and taqwa. For them, the devil is chained up.
It's in excellent Urdu.
On Friday July 10, there was a big demonstration at the embassy of Thailand in Ankara because Thailand has deported 100 Uighur Muslim refugees to China. The embasy was roughed up. President Erdogan has expressed concern about the deportation. Previously Thailand had allowed 173 Uighurs to go to Turkey. Now China is claiming that Muslims wanted to go to Syria and is treating them as terrorists.
Iran: Supporting Assad. The nuclear talks were a cover for US-Iran cooperation against the resistance Scroll to end.
On July 12, a martyrdom operator hit Camp Chapman, the US military base near Khost on the border with Pakistan. Casualties were heavy, 25 killed 18 wounded reported till now. How many of them were Americans is not clear.
Editorial Note by Kaukab Siddique
Ramadan is ending. Have we changed? Or are we heading towards collective catastrophe?
Do we care for the Ummah? Are we still not aware of the new America?
![Dr Kaukab Siddique](
Such long fasts! Such hot weather! We still fasted! The Night of Power is here! What will we pray for?
If we have not changed, becomce MUTTAQI, then Allah does not need what we did. He will bring better people.
America's Muslim "leadership" has these goals in complete negation of Islam:
1. Assimilation into the American power structure, wooing those in power.
2. Acceptance of forces hostile to Islam: Silence about Israel. Silence about occupation of Muslim lands. Silence about dictators and kings supported by America's rulers.
3. All the Muslim leaders and activists in prison have been abandoned.
4. Building expensive mosques, fancier and fancier, with none costing less than a milion dollars. Tying the Muslim communities into the recurring expenses these mosques require. So, no money for the real issues.
5. The mass culture of drugs, crime, fornication, adultery, homosexuality surrounds the Muslims but the Muslim leadership has no forceful counter program. Non-Muslim Women have been reduced to "white" slavery under various guises.
6. The power structure and media have disconnected America's Muslims from the global Muslim ummah. The leadership has NOTHING to say about this situation. Any Muslim fighting against the western powers and their allies is immediately dubbed "terrorist." Muslim leaders in fact support this disconnect.
7. Groups with no Islamic credibility have made themselves spokespersons for all of 7 to 9 million Muslims of America.
8. NOT even ONE MILLION-DOLLAR-MASJID has said LA [no] to the American power structure. Their kalima is incomplete.
9. For most Muslims, blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, is a red line, but the "leaders" are silent even about "cartoons" of the Prophet, pbuh, published by the supporters of Israel.
10. The worst insult to the Prophet's, pbuh, sunnah is the picnic version of Islam and the "charity" version of Islam. Of course we should relax but if that is all we do, that is not Islam. Of course charity is important, but if that is all we do, that is not Islam
Dear Muslims, my friends and I organized Jamaat al-Muslimeen to change the course of Muslim history in America.
Join us or form your own, or tomorrow your children will tell you that homosexuality is "no big deal" and bombing Muslim countries is fine because they are "terrorists!"
Political Prisoner #1
Rally in support of Imam Jamil al-Amin [formerly H. Rap Brown]. His health is bad.
Don's let him die of neglect in prison.
Rally on July 26, Sunday, 1.30 to 4.00
Fairmount Park @Memorial Hall, 43 S. Concourse Dr., Philadelphia, PA. 19102
New York activist. Photo shows Br. Abu Talib, from Trinidad, addressing Jamaat al-Muslimeen's National Shoora. He has done more than any Muslim to spread the message at the grassroots level in New York.
We urge Jamaat activists to travel to New York and work with Br. Abu Talib.
Jamaat al-Muslimeen Actvity in West Baltimore, Maryland
400 Documents given to Two Hundred Muslims after Juma', Person to Person
July 10: There was a huge crowd at Masjid Rahma, [Islamic Society of Baltimore], the biggest Islamic center in the area. The big turnout was owing to the possibility that this might be the last juma in Ramadan.
Two documents each were given to 200 of the Muslims after Juma.
Document one was a 39-page research paper on the Baltimore uprising titled: Baltimore:The New Gaza.
by Nadrat Siddique.
It is a definitive study pinpointng the socio-economic conditions of the Black community, the extent of police brutality, the role of young people in the uprising, the why and which of businesses targeted and the role of grassroots level leaders.
Also an extraordinary interview with Rev. Mother Chambers, a Black Panther who lives in the inner city.
Document two
Six ;pages consisting of the following:
1, 2. 3. Revolutionary Khutba by Br. Kaukab Siddique on Baltimore uprising and class system:
Communication with the Oppressed, Opposition to Oppression is required of Muslims; Baltimore Class System;
Extolling the Rich is anti-Islam;
Behind the Drowning of 1200 Migrants from Africa to Europe
4. Help Political Prisoners in Ramadan [Sis. Sharmeen from Bangladesh]
5. Islamic State fighters advancing in Iraq: Pak. Taliban back, hitting regime forces. India populating Kashmir with Hindus.
6. Government punishing associates of Marathon Bomber who did not commit a crime. [Sis. Karin Friedemann.]
This mass distribution, a record even by Jamaat al-Muslimeen standards, was much appreciated by the crowd at this masjid, heavily populated by immigrants, well to do, who are deprived of Islamic discussion of serious issues.
Jamaat al-Muslimeen Activity in Newark, Delaware. 52 Muslims Reached.
A funny aspect.
On July 10, there was a large crowd at the main Islamic center in Newark for Juma. Unfortunately Jamaat did not have enough literature, so only 52 people received a 6-page document
These were the six pages:
1. China, the new imperialism. In Sinkiang, China has banned fasting & ordered sale of liquor and cigarettes. [via Sis. Hamdiyya, NC]
2. Syria: Mujahideen preparing to liberate parts of Aleppo in Assad's control
3, 4. Br. Kaukab's khutba to 1,000 in Greensboro, NC, facilitated by Imam Badi Ali.Emphasis on rights of the wife and the daughter in Islam, connection of fasting & taqwa with rights of women, opposition to US bombing of Muslims, food & fasting,.
5. Jamaat condemns Church bombing in Charleston, SC, urges US to focus on Racist groups & stop fabricating anti-Muslim cases. [Sis. Nadrat Siddique.]
6. Analysis of Indian Prime Minister's visit to Bangladesh and PM Hasina's sell out. [Jamaate Islami Bangladesh.]
[The funny aspect was that previously a board member of this center had threatened to report Jamaat al-Muslimeen representative to Homeland Security. But the crowd was so big this time that the big boss could not reach the Jamaat rep.!LOL!]
Our America: How Low US Muslim "Leaders" have fallen
Juma-tul-Wida at the Islamic Society of Baltimore [ISB].
Supporting a Kaffir and an Oppressor. $40,000 for dinner.
By Nadrat Siddique
Juma-tul-Wida at the Islamic Center of Baltimore
By Nadrat Siddique
I made the juma'ah prayers at ISB (Islamic Society of Baltimore) today. Recall that this is
one of the government's flagship masajid, replete with DHS cameras and whatnot
(unfortunately not unusual for many monied mosques today). I hadn't been there in a
ISB is not a poor mosque to begin with. It is valued at $813,000. An SDAT real estate
search revealed that $675,000 of this is in improvements done by the mosque
association after it was purchased. So clearly, some individuals associated with the
mosque have money, and lots of it.
That made it all the more surprising that the mimbar would be used for well hitting up
you and I for a lil cash. Much of the second half of the khutbah was a fundraising pitch
for the grandiose mosque. On the prestigious occasion of Juma-tul-Wida, Part 2 of the
khutbah had the tone of an auction (or the lead in to one, in any event). The real
"auction" was the next day, when ISB would have their annual fundraising dinner, into
which, said the imam, they ordinarily invested $30,000 to $40,000 for the dinners served
to the guests.
The khutbah ended with the imam invoking du'ah for various members of the
congregation who were ill. That was understandable, I thought. After all, these brothers
and sisters are part of the masjid community (and even if they weren't, they are part of
the ummah).
But it was the imam's final du'ah that almost made me fall over. He asked the
congregants to pray for Governor Larry Hogan. Hogan, he said, was also "sick,"
referring to the Maryland Governor's recent cancer diagnosis. "And Hogan, being the
leader of Maryland, is our leader, too," continued the imam. "May Allah give him health
and hikma (wisdom)," said the imam.
I was flabbergasted. The imam was praying for a kaffir, out of the pulpit which ideally
ought emulate that of the Rasool (SAW). I'm not an Islamic scholar, but I don't believe
the Rasool ever made du'ah for kaffirs out of the pulpit. So it was quite out of line, it
would seem.
On top of it all, imam sahib was praying for a man who had just weeks prior called the
National Guard on Black youth in Baltimore, risking a blood bath. He labeled and
blackballed them as "thugs," "criminals," and "rioters" because they had the gaul to
stand up against police brutality. And about a week after the Baltimore Uprising (termed
"Riots" by corporate media and government), he rescinded $11 million dollars in
educational funds from those youth (a total of $68 million was rescinded from Maryland
schools in toto). So, Hogan is hardly someone who is aligned with the oppressed.
And our imam couldn't find anyone else to pray for? This is a sad, sad commentary on
us as an Ummah.
Political Prisoners: Please Print Out and get as many signatures as you can.
Petition for Commutation of Sentence for Masoud Khan from his mother & Community
To: President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Obama:
The case of Masoud Khan is an example of preemptive prosecution: a law enforcement strategy, adopted after
9/11, to target and prosecute individuals or organizations whose beliefs, ideology, or religious affiliations raise
security concerns for the government. I support the efforts of Masoud's family and supporters for commutation
of his sentence and allow him to return to his family and his Maryland community. We ask you to make
possible this forgiveness, healing, and rekindling of hope for Masoud, his family, and his community.
Name Printed Address City State Zip Email
Portraits of Injustice
A Campaign for Justice from the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms
Masoud Khan
U.S. citizen, architecture student, father;
resident of Gaithersburg, MD
He visited Pakistan
and played paintball in
The court said this was a
"conspiracy to conspire."
In 2001, Masoud, a newlywed, met a group of young Muslims who attended a mosque in Falls Church, Virginia. They played recreational paintball in the woods, fired legally owned firearms on a firing range, and discussed international
politics and the obligations of Muslims to defend their faith. Masoud played paintball only once and was never a part of their group. In September, he was summoned to Pakistan by its High Court for a family estate matter. While there, he toured an LET training camp, which focused on liberating Kashmir from India, but he never joined LET, never planned any violent activity or attacked anyone, and at the time LET was not considered a terrorist organization by the U.S.
Masoud returned to America, and in 2003 was arrested and charged not with terrorism but for conspiracy to violate the Neutrality Acts––obscure, rarely enforced laws that make it a crime for Americans to attack a country (in this case, India) with which the United States is at peace. Other Muslims from the Virginia paintball group were also arrested; thus Masoud was charged for associating with people who were "conspiring to conspire"––planning to make a plan––although the FBI conceded that the government had no evidence of specific plots against the U.S. at home or abroad, and said that "a lot of this is about preemption."
Masoud, who was unable to testify at trial, was convicted. The judge stated that she had no choice under the law but
to sentence him to life without parole, and that "I have sentenced al-Qaeda members who were planning real attacks on these shores for far less time...this is sticking in my craw."
Masoud is filing a commutation petition to President Obama to have his sentence reduced - please sign a
petition in support of this effort at ( and if possible, write a letter in support as well
For questions, contact or Kathy Manley, Esq.,
How can you help?
- see ( for information on writing letters.
Unmet Relational Needs in Muslim Culture: Examples from Pakistan and Iran.
by Karin Friedemann
One of the most astonishing things I am noticing about Muslim culture is the widespread tendency to marry a woman and then physically and emotionally abandon her. Men are now using a new excuse:
"It was just an arranged marriage."
Abandonment, whether or not required by economic necessity, is reinforced by shame related to divorce, and the belief that 'good' women don't remarry.
"She is just someone my late mother chose."
A married woman becomes property of her in-laws, as opposed to a life partner of her husband, who feels no shame leaving her alone and pregnant. She is merely a tool to provide his parents with grandchildren.
The cultural taboo against divorce even after abandonment often assumes that a 'decent' woman would never consider gainful employment. So even if a marriage is totally unsatisfactory, the woman would beg the husband not to divorce her. She would pretend that she is still in a marriage, even when the husband has clearly moved out forever, or visits only every few years.
Muslim men seem to think that marriage is defined purely by financial support. There doesn't seem to be any awareness of the relational needs (including sexual) of women. While men are encouraged to marry as many women as they need to make sure there is no buildup of semen, women seem to almost happily consent to the degradation of their internal organs through non-use, as long as there is money coming in, and even when there is not. While financial support is better than no financial support, what is the deal with a man deciding that any woman has no right to have sex, ever again, in her life? He can divorce her and pay child support, maybe alimony.
Surat al Baqara, Verse 229 states: "either you retain her on reasonable terms or release her with kindness."
There is a lofty egotism that says, "as long as I am paying her bills I own the non-use of her body."
We know from hadith that the early Muslims did not have taboos against divorce and remarriage. If Hussain (RA) were alive today, he would be considered quite the gigolo. Pre-Islamic pagan Arab women could initiate divorce merely by turning their tent so that the entrance was facing in a new direction. The newly instituted Islamic concept of marriage was primarily a contract to make sure that parental lineage and responsibility were never in question.
The influence of Hinduism and Christianity added to Islamic practice the concept of shame in remarriage, which is based on the assumption that sex is purely for procreation and not a human right in itself, which is based on the idea that women are innately filthy, that men should try to avoid women, and that a woman should only ever taste one husband, even if that means she spends the majority of her life alone.
The book, "Law of Desire" by Shahla Haeri is based on a study of marriage practices in post-revolutionary Iran. It describes many instances where wives are divorced by their husbands and become destitute, even homeless. Because remarriage is very rare in the culture, this creates an underclass of women who are essentially prostitutes, except that they have to wait 2 months in between sexual encounters, during which time they are merely beggars in front of the shrines. There is such a gross class difference between "kept women" and "husbandless women" that women will compete with each other for dominance instead of welcoming second wives as sisters.
Interestingly, the women most likely to be free to remarry, even if impermanently or non-residentially, are those who have a bad relationship with their parents. This would imply that the parents themselves are preventing the 'good' divorced daughter from meeting a man, because of fears of disgrace overriding their concern for her health.
I'll never forget the day when I was trying to discuss our relationship or the lack thereof with my Pakistani husband, and his solution to the problem was to "send me back to my parents." As an American woman over the age of 30, who had worked in jobs and rented her own apartment before marriage, this sounded completely absurd. I will go to my parents if I decide to go to my parents. I am not a parcel to send somewhere! I was completely baffled that he really viewed me in such a dehumanizing way, as a person without personhood?! He eventually became the perfect ex-husband, but I now notice more and more how people think this is a "man's world."
I do not wish to conclude that non-Muslim culture is superior. I notice the politics of greetings in American culture, where men always greet each other while women are usually mute on the side. While laws do not prevent non-Muslims from marriage and remarriage, gainful employment of the woman seems to be a prerequisite, and her ability to get time alone away from her children. In other words, the man either wants the woman to pay half the bills or else he only wants to visit her when she is alone. He is not volunteering to be the head of a family. This usually requires a third party to be available to take care of the children so the woman can date, which means that the woman owes someone, rather than the man providing for her and her children.
It is hard to know which situation is more humiliating. There are pros and cons to each situation: the man providing for an estranged wife vs. the woman being financially independent. Divorce is never an ideal situation, especially when children are involved. It is a wonderful gift of this century from God, to have the opportunity and freedom to be able to pick and choose wisely between religious and legal laws, to provide the best possible security and outcome for families.
Our Amertica: New York
Selling Iconic Black History: Black "Leader " and Gentrification in Harlem.
by Sis. Aisha
Abyssinia Baptist Church purchased the abandoned and dilapidated Renaissance Theater, which is located further uptown in Harlem.. It was built by Black entrepreneur William C. Roach, in 1921, and he spared no expense. He wanted this theater to rival the most extravagant theaters in any White New York City areas. Of course, there is a lot of Jazz and dance history there, too. The unbeatable basketball team, The Harlem Rens, played there for awhile. But, all of that means nothing. It is true that many of us Black folk love to reminisce about the era long gone rather than focus on building the future. However, the Black bourgeoisie and the working class Black' definition of progress differ significantly.
Many Black bourgeoisie view of Black community progress includes validation by the White presence and lining their own pockets. The working class citizens are puzzled as to how certain services, such as garbage trucks only operating in the daytime rather than keeping people up during the night, are enforced now that their White counterparts are residing in their community now. Many of us are more angered at Blackm"leadership" more than anything else.
The City Council is predominantly Black and Latino and has managed to do NOTHING to protect or help empower their respective communities. I have no expectation from politicians. They are black faces in high places, as Black radio show host, Bob Law used to say.
Which brings me to my next point....
Rev. Calvin Butts, who has played a significant role in gentrifying Harlem, has sold The Renaissance Theater to a developer. This developer is also of African-descent but, what he has produced are virtual plans for a condominium in that very location. It does not lo ok as if he has any plans to restore this place, which is what Abyssinia promised it would do over 15 years ago when it owned the building. Rev. Butts has exploited Abyssinia's prominent position in the community and its stronghold on Harlem property to fatten his pockets. This behavior was very uncharacteristic of previous ministers, such as Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Sr. and Jr. Any efforts from White leadership to have them sway the Black parishioners a certain way that was detrimental to the community was met with a very firm, "No!" I guess, that's why they had to remove Junior from his Congressional seat, in 1967, ---- illegally! The Supreme Court had to restore his seat, in 1969!
This is the common stereotype about Black folks loving money so much that we are willing to destroy our communities for it. It is an unfair stereotype since greed transcends all races and cultures. However, one of the worst cases of greed exhibited by Black people is one of the reasons why so many millions of Africans are living here in the so-called New World rather than in Africa.
Local Harlem residents are planning to appeal to the developer since, the theater has never been given landmark status. Abyssinia successfully fought the landmark designation, years ago. That means the plan all along was for Rev. Calvin Butts to sell this building for top dollar and he accomplished his goal. Now, hopefully, the people protesting the demolition of this cultural icon can work with the new owner.
Oppression can only happen with our help. [ Source: What's Eating Harlem TV Show)
[In Ambur, near Vellore, Chennai area, a Hindu woman left her husband to become Muslim. She hid, but the Muslim man she contacted was arrested by police and tortured to death. This time the Muslims rose up led by Jamaat Tawhid and fought the police all day and set fire to police cars. Reinforcements arrived and arrested 105 Muslims. This is how it was reportedd in the Indian media -Editor New Trend.]
105 people held for Ambur riots
Deccan Chronicle | June 29, 2015, 06.06![A police van set ablaze by the protestors at Ambur. As many as 105 protestors have been arrested in the town for pelting stones at the cops (Photo: DC) A police van set ablaze by the protestors at Ambur. As many as 105 protestors have been arrested in the town for pelting stones at the cops (Photo: DC)](
Shameel Basha, a resident of Ambur, who was working as a supervisor in a jewellery shop in Erode, was picked up by Pallikonda police for questioning after one of his female colleagues, Pavithra, a married woman and resident of Pallikonda, went missing in the second week of June.
War News: Syria
Heavy Fighting on Highway leading into Lattakia: Assad trying to Defend Western Aleppo.
IS fighting Assad in Hasakeh. Took and lost Ein Essa.
Assad Tank columns advancing on Palmyra with little success: Hizbullah unable to dislodge Mujahideen in Qalamoun.
July12: Iran and Hizbullah seem to be trying to create an Alawite-Shi'ite state in western Syria from Damascus to Lattakia. Iranian troops with Hizbullah are desperate to stop Assad's downfall. Hasan Nasarallah, leader of Hizbullah has expressed his intention to fight to the end to save the Assad regime.
Intense Assad air raids on Mujahideen in Aleppo have helped the last stronghold enclaves of the regime's troops to stop the Islamic advance.
North of Aleppo, the Alawite air force bombed a small town which had joined the Islamic State. Barrel bombs meant to kill civilians killed 40 civilians including 6 women and 6 children.
Iran Going All Out to Save the Assad Regime:
More than 10,000 Iranian troops have landed in Lattakia to defend the Alawite heartland.
Smaller numbers of Iranians have been spotted in Syria and Iran has been suffering losses including two generals in intense fighting with the mujahideen earlier this year. A general's burial in Iran gave away the extent of Iranian combat level involvement.
Iran is supplying $600 million worth of oil to Assad after the Islamic State captured Assad's oil fields.
A couple of days back Islamic State cyber experts hacked the web site of the Syrian Observatory [SOHR]. It appears that SOHR has been publicizing the execution of homosexual rapists and bombing related spies who help the US jet bombers to kill. SOHR publishes the executions without giving the cause.
Ajwa Dates which the Prophet, pbuh, used to eat, have miraculous Health Qualities
by Javed Chaudhry via TV Express [with thanks to Dr. Teepu Siddique]
Ajwa dates are one of the most expensive dates in its raw form in Saudi Arabia. One kg cost about 80/SR. Its look is unique and taste is superb. Dates are also rich in natural fibers. Modern medicine has shown that they are effective in preventing abdominal cancer. They also surpass other fruits in the sheer variety of their constituents. They contain oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium.The dates are highly nutritious, full of sugar (60%), and small quantities of fat (2%), proteins (2%), and minerals (2%). In other words, one date satisfies the minimum requirements of a balanced and healthy diet.
Iron, the mineral that prevents anemia and which is a part of the hemoglobin molecule in the blood.Magnesium, which has an important role in the nervous system integrity and in energy production.Potassium, useful in cases of hypertensionCalcium and Phosphorus, essential for healthy bonesVitamin A, for healthy skin and eyesightVitamin B3 (Niacin), protecting from pellagra, a disease which is manifested as dermatitis, dementia and fatigue. Niacin also reduces triglycerides and cholesterol levels (LDL) in the blood, thus protects the heart and circulatory systemFolic acid, essential for protection against atherosclerosis and heart problems, and for protein metabolism
Experiments have also shown that dates contain some stimulants that strengthen the muscles of the uterus in the last months of pregnancy. This helps the dilation of the uterus at the time of delivery on one hand and reduces the bleeding after delivery on the other. Dietitians consider dates as the best food for women in confinement and those who are breast-feeding.Arabs usually combine dates with milk and yogurt or bread, butter and fish. This combination indeed makes a self-sufficient and tasty diet for both mind and body.
with in the dates Ajwa has some unique characteristics. Ajwa is the favorite date of Nabi e Kareem(saw) and there are some ahadith regarding the superiority of Ajwa among other kinds of dates.
According to Ahadith e Mubarika Narrated Saad: Allah's Apostle said, "He who eats seven Ajwa dates every morning, will not be affected by poison or magic on the day he eats them."
(Sahih Bukhari Book65, Hadith 356)
In Tirmidhi (2068) it is quoted that:
"Ajwa dates are from paradise"
'A'isha reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The Ajwa dates of 'Aliya' contain heating effects and these are antidote in the early morning.
(Sahih Muslim Book 23, Hadith 5083)
Advising the patients with Ischemic Heart Disease is a routine in Saudi Arabia. It has marvelous effects on improving the circulatory system. In one of symposium held in Jeddah about 7 years ago, I heard Dr.Ahmed a renowned Cardiologist shared his experiment when he advised his patient to use Ajwa dates whose coronary arteries was 90% blocked due to atherosclerosis(reduction of diameter of lumen due to increased fat deposition). He was on vasodilators and Statins since 5 years when he first consulted Dr.Ahmed. The patient was unable to walk or use stairs. After one month of using 7 dates in the morning the patient became able to use stairs and walk for 20 minutes with slight difficulty and exertion and after the end of 4th month he started working like a normal person.Today morning when I read the article of Javed Chohdri, I couldn't help sharing this event.
Unfortunately no valuable and scientific research till this date has been done on Ajwa dates. I believe that the Ajwa dates should be thoroughly researched by our scientists in Pakistan and Ajwa dates should be tried by our physicians and cardiologists.It is the biggest gift from Allah(swt) for the heart patients.
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